August 17, 2013

Daybreak Church Launches September 22nd!

So many incredible things have been happening that we couldn't help but share an update with you. A few HUGE milestones that we are thanking God for... For 1 amazing people are walking with us in this process. People, Churches and Pastors are all jumping in to be a part in bringing Hope to Life. The Location that we have prayed about and worked to secure since March of 2012 has been secured! God opened a door that only He could have and we are beyond grateful. And the funds needed to launch: start-up cost, facility rental, insurances, audio and lighting equipment and children's ministry supplies are coming in. We still have some areas left to fund... but we know that because of Gods faithfulness and your generosity, these needs will be met.

Now for the even bigger news! It is official...

Daybreak Church Launches Sunday September 22nd, 2013 at 10:30am at York Tech 2179 S Queen St, York 17402!!! That being said... You are invited!

There is still so much to be done, so we appreciate your continued prayers! Consider joining us for our launch day or another service this fall. Share our website on your facebook/twitter pages to help get the word out and last but not least pray about helping us fund the rest of our launch budget by making a donation. For more info click HERE.

Thanks for taking the time to read this update. September 22nd will be here before we know it... and we are believing God for incredible things! The gospel being shared, lives being changed and light shining in the dark places!

Daybreak is upon us friends!

May 1, 2013

none of us have arrived...

Do you remember playing Monopoly?? We get arrogant and think that we are untouchable...
that we have arrived. Then it happens. We realize that we didn't have it all figured out.

At my job you will find quite a mix of folks. I have a new friend at work that occasionally I get to sit next to. He is from China. Usually when he sits near me he asks me questions. His English is not always easy to understand so I have to really pay attention in order to understand the questions. He probably feels the same way about my English. Hmmm...

So today he told me that he has almost read a whole newspaper in English. He has one article left with many phrases and words that he wanted clarification on. He pulled out a folded up worn-out piece of newspaper that had a lot of scribble and markings on it. He asked me many times after I finished talking with someone else, what I was talking about. It lead to him picking up that we were starting a new church. He asked what kind. He asked if I was a pastor. He asked about my education. He asked several questions. Even though our conversation was at times difficult to follow... my new friend taught me several things today that I felt led to share:

- Sometimes we mistreat people because of OUR lack of understanding. - This guy has taught himself English simply by listening, teaching himself to read, being mindful of others and asking questions. I am sure he has dealt with some rude folks in his day. He is an older gentleman but is not satisfied with just getting by. Some folks criticize people that don't speak their language but fail to realize that most of us can barely speak our own language correctly. Ya don't say!

- We should always humble ourselves. - There are multiple reasons to walk humbly... but the truth is we are all still learning. Why do we stop trying to grow? Do we think that we have arrived? I once heard a pastor share: "if we are not growing we will be quick to criticize those who are!" Powerful statement. Think about it. Are you growing? Or are you...???

- How are we communicating? -Several times I had to change the words I was sharing when I was trying to help answer my friends questions. I couldn't help but think... are we really mindful of how clearly or not so clearly we are communicating? Especially when it comes to sharing the message of hope... the gospel of Jesus Christ with people. These few verses from the apostle Paul really help expand on the thought that we have to share Jesus with more intentionality...

1 Corinthians 9:20-23 MSG - Even though I am free of the demands and expectations of everyone, I have voluntarily become a servant to any and all in order to reach a wide range of people: religious, nonreligious, meticulous moralists, loose-living immoralists, the defeated, the demoralized—whoever. I didn’t take on their way of life. I kept my bearings in Christ—but I entered their world and tried to experience things from their point of view. I’ve become just about every sort of servant there is in my attempts to lead those I meet into a God-saved life. I did all this because of the Message. I didn’t just want to talk about it; I wanted to be in on it!

Real talk... none of us have arrived. We are all still learning. Try to be more mindful of those around you. Listen to their stories. Share yours. Share Jesus.