December 22, 2010

Daybreak is upon us...

We have written songs and recorded them, prayed and prepared. The artwork, website, pictures, flyer, copyright and chord charts are finished! The CD has been ordered and all that is left to do is pray and practice for the CD release weekend Jan. 8th & 9th, 2011!

I am grateful and humbled by the support and encouragement that has come from our family and friends. It is hard to predict what God has in store but we have a great anticipation that it is way bigger than us and that he alone will get the glory! I hope that he uses us and these songs to encourage, challenge and help people to engage in worship!

I remember as a 13 year old kid...sitting with my guitar on the stoop of my moms apartment building. I would come home from school and play for hours outside! Not only has God blessed me with other guitars to play on and new songs to sing since then...but he has also given me someone to sing wife Amber!

I have never felt a stirring like I do in my heart and life right now. I know of many friends in transition and crisis that have struggled like never before.One thing is for is not the time to back down friends! God has brought us this far...and we gotta keep on moving!

One word that describes the moment the light pierces the darkness is 'daybreak'. Sometimes it feels like the dark seasons in our life will never end. We may feel like all hope is lost and we might as well just give up. But remember this: one of my pastors used to often share...the darkest part of the night is often right before the sun breaks through on the horizon!

So friends...hold on! You are not alone! Be encouraged...Daybreak is upon us!


December 15, 2010

new years resolution in december anybody?

If you are like me...January brings both excitement and struggle!

Excitement for a fresh start. I was the kid in class that always liked the 1st week of school...fresh fro, new clothes and new opportunity to become the big man on campus. (no pun intended...being I am the big man) Anyways...there is something about the thought of a new beginning that refuels us! Another bonus for 2011 for us is the Release of our new CD!

...on the other hand...

January brings struggle in the form of memories of failed new years resolutions. You know like..I am gonna read my bible and pray at least 15 hours a day! No more soda, snacks or dairy queen! And I am gonna lose 173.5 lbs in 67 days! We all try to start off well. But somehow we lose it. We tend to lose steam sometimes way to quickly.

So I have decided I am going to make a new years commitment in December! Along with weight loss, financial, and other goals for the 1st focus is gonna be to seek the Lord! I love God! He is worth it! And instead of trying to shoot at 20 different targets...I am going to aim at him and allow him to help me to reach everything else...his way!

Matthew 6:33 (The Message)

 30-33"If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers—most of which are never even seen—don't you think he'll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? What I'm trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God's giving. People who don't know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don't worry about missing out. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.

God has got 2011 figured out! So let's seek him 1st!

God bless you! Be encouraged because he is mindful of you!


December 7, 2010

December Updates...

So...if you haven't noticed the blog looks a little different! The best part is I have no clue what I am doing but I am proud of the progress on this blog site so far. You no longer have to remember the blog URL because is now up and running so you can get here through that much easier!

On the musical note...I am so excited for the CD Release worship nights in January 2011! Check back for more updates as I attempt to add more to the site and keep you in the loop!

Last but not least...God has been so GOOD! Seriously...he has been showing us how mindful of us he really is! You do not have enough time to read all of the blessings I could type out right now...but I would encourage you to let him know how thankful you are for all he has done for you.

One thing I know much about is that it is way to easy to focus on your struggles and forget all that God has done! He woke us up! We have been blessed with another day and for sure we have much to be thankful for!

 8 Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see— how good God is. Blessed are you who run to him.

Psalm 34:8 -the MSG.

Be blessed and encouraged friends! You are not alone! God is mindful of you!
