January 24, 2012

NOT a Dress Rehearsal?

I read a Relevant Magazine article by Jeff Goins today that really got to me. One of the lines that especially stood out was...

'This is your life—today. It’s not a dress rehearsal for the future; it’s all you have.'


Then I realized today, that yet again God had done something in our life... without our help... knowing what we needed... and I am sure He did not even sweat!! He is Faithful!

The thing God seems to keep putting in front of me is this...

Are you doing the best you can... 
with what you have... 
where you are???

God allows us the crazy opportunity to Breathe and have a Heart Beat... God blesses us with Hope, Relationships, Time, Gifts, Resources...

But are we faithful with the things He has given us to steward over?

Moreover, it is [essentially] required of stewards that a man should be found faithful [proving himself worthy of trust]. 
-1 Corinthians 4:2 Amplified Bible

It's a good question. In those things that we are not found faithful... I feel like we are being reminded that it is time to change it up because we still got time left in the game.

Don't give up Hope... with God all things are possible!

Remember... this is NOT a Dress Rehearsal!

Be encouraged and blessed friends! God is for you!

January 19, 2012

Purity is worth it...

I was reminded today of a conversation I had with a friend about our desire to see God move. In our conversation He shared this from the Bible:

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. -Matthew 5:8

We both shared that we wanted to see God and to see God move.

Purity is worth the effort in every way. One of the greatest struggles we will ever face while robed in flesh is sexual purity... but I think a close 2nd is that of having pure motives.

In both of these area's we have a choice. 

To walk in the flesh... or in the spirit. Which will you choose?

When we hear the word purity do we instantly think of people we know that have fallen in this area or do we acknowledge that we have all fallen short according to Romans 3:23? I thought of this while I reflected on some people that from my perspective, have made some decisions that seem to have been birthed out of ill motives. As I wandered how they could do or say the things they have... God reminded me that if I do not strive to walk humbly and in purity... I could make the same decisions and fall.

So... let me encourage you to walk in purity. It will be worth it.

I want to continue to see God move... and one day we will see him face to face!

10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right, persevering, and steadfast spirit within me. 11 Cast me not away from Your presence and take not Your Holy Spirit from me. 12 Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit. -Psalm 51:10-12

January 9, 2012

Be still...

When I was a kid I hated nap time. Now I would pay for a nap. Often my mom would take us to the library to get books... cause books are good and the library is free... but when she wanted us to read I decided to do everything but sit still. Now I can't read enough because I have learned not only do I not have it all figured out... but people have something to say. I am learning... more important than people... God has something to say.

Unfortunately we rarely take the time to listen or reflect on what He is speaking. 
Often we go to church and hear a message but half way through we start thinking about lunch and before we get to the football game... we forget it is even Sunday. Maybe I am the only one that struggles with this... if so... this is my James 5:16 confession time.

Many times in the gospels in some way, shape or form Jesus makes reference to people having 'eyes to see' or 'ears to hear'. 

Realistically whether you are a follower of Christ or not... you too struggle with getting caught up in the craziness of life without taking a second to breathe and reflect on what has happened.

This past week on numerous occasions God stopped me in my tracks and showed me that He is not only mindful of us... but He is speaking.

He probably has been speaking all along... I just wasn't listening... a l l  a l o n g.

Truth: He has something to say... and He will get the glory.

So take some time...

Take a deep breath...

and be still...

Psalm 46:10 (NIV) 10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” 

 Be encouraged friends!

January 5, 2012

It is hard to believe...

But before we were even born God had a plan for our life.

Monday night God reminded me of something else...

January 2005... 7 years ago God called us into full time ministry.

We have grown closer to Jesus every single day. 
We have grown closer in our marriage as we serve together.
We have learned what it looks like for us to actually walk by faith. 
We have been blessed to build incredible friendships with amazing people. 
We have seen people embrace Gods calling on their life.
We have learned that we have to earn the right to speak into somebody's life.

... and most importantly... 

We have seen people walk from death to life! 

It has been an incredible 7 years... but we know we are just getting started. God is birthing His vision for our life daily. A long time ago I heard Joyce Meyer say 'God didn't call us to be busy... but fruitful'.

This is a daily struggle... but well worth the effort.

In Matthew 22:35-40 Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was... and His response was simple yet profound.

Love God.

Love People.

Every day we are striving to do this more and more. God has done so much and we are so thankful. But we can't wait to see what He has in store.

Be blessed and encouraged friends... God is most certainly mindful of you! At times I have taken my focus off of Him... but I am grateful that He has never taken His hand off of us. He has great things for you. Don't settle!
