December 22, 2010

Daybreak is upon us...

We have written songs and recorded them, prayed and prepared. The artwork, website, pictures, flyer, copyright and chord charts are finished! The CD has been ordered and all that is left to do is pray and practice for the CD release weekend Jan. 8th & 9th, 2011!

I am grateful and humbled by the support and encouragement that has come from our family and friends. It is hard to predict what God has in store but we have a great anticipation that it is way bigger than us and that he alone will get the glory! I hope that he uses us and these songs to encourage, challenge and help people to engage in worship!

I remember as a 13 year old kid...sitting with my guitar on the stoop of my moms apartment building. I would come home from school and play for hours outside! Not only has God blessed me with other guitars to play on and new songs to sing since then...but he has also given me someone to sing wife Amber!

I have never felt a stirring like I do in my heart and life right now. I know of many friends in transition and crisis that have struggled like never before.One thing is for is not the time to back down friends! God has brought us this far...and we gotta keep on moving!

One word that describes the moment the light pierces the darkness is 'daybreak'. Sometimes it feels like the dark seasons in our life will never end. We may feel like all hope is lost and we might as well just give up. But remember this: one of my pastors used to often share...the darkest part of the night is often right before the sun breaks through on the horizon!

So friends...hold on! You are not alone! Be encouraged...Daybreak is upon us!


December 15, 2010

new years resolution in december anybody?

If you are like me...January brings both excitement and struggle!

Excitement for a fresh start. I was the kid in class that always liked the 1st week of school...fresh fro, new clothes and new opportunity to become the big man on campus. (no pun intended...being I am the big man) Anyways...there is something about the thought of a new beginning that refuels us! Another bonus for 2011 for us is the Release of our new CD!

...on the other hand...

January brings struggle in the form of memories of failed new years resolutions. You know like..I am gonna read my bible and pray at least 15 hours a day! No more soda, snacks or dairy queen! And I am gonna lose 173.5 lbs in 67 days! We all try to start off well. But somehow we lose it. We tend to lose steam sometimes way to quickly.

So I have decided I am going to make a new years commitment in December! Along with weight loss, financial, and other goals for the 1st focus is gonna be to seek the Lord! I love God! He is worth it! And instead of trying to shoot at 20 different targets...I am going to aim at him and allow him to help me to reach everything else...his way!

Matthew 6:33 (The Message)

 30-33"If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers—most of which are never even seen—don't you think he'll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? What I'm trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God's giving. People who don't know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don't worry about missing out. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.

God has got 2011 figured out! So let's seek him 1st!

God bless you! Be encouraged because he is mindful of you!


December 7, 2010

December Updates...

So...if you haven't noticed the blog looks a little different! The best part is I have no clue what I am doing but I am proud of the progress on this blog site so far. You no longer have to remember the blog URL because is now up and running so you can get here through that much easier!

On the musical note...I am so excited for the CD Release worship nights in January 2011! Check back for more updates as I attempt to add more to the site and keep you in the loop!

Last but not least...God has been so GOOD! Seriously...he has been showing us how mindful of us he really is! You do not have enough time to read all of the blessings I could type out right now...but I would encourage you to let him know how thankful you are for all he has done for you.

One thing I know much about is that it is way to easy to focus on your struggles and forget all that God has done! He woke us up! We have been blessed with another day and for sure we have much to be thankful for!

 8 Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see— how good God is. Blessed are you who run to him.

Psalm 34:8 -the MSG.

Be blessed and encouraged friends! You are not alone! God is mindful of you!


November 27, 2010

'he sings all the time'

Thanksgiving day we did as we always do...we drove for hours and hours to spend time with our family! Aside from the driving so much part...the rest is always enjoyable and a blessing! Thursday evening as we were winding down at my moms someone had the bright idea to pull out baby books that chronicled the early years of me and my brothers growing up into the 'beefcakes' we currently are! (no kidding) My wife just happened to find this paper that had a line for every 6 months of my life which included a hand written note from my momma about something I did or attempted. Without the paper in front of me I can not remember how long the list went but almost every single line shared something that involved music!!! I re-read that paper a few times...I had no idea that it existed but reading it seriously jacked me up! I was recently sharing with a friend about my recent musical endeavors (including our new CD release nights of worship planned for Jan. 8 & 9, 2011) and I told him that no matter what I days are always filled with a backing soundtrack! I told him that no matter what I pursue or how hard I try to mind wonders to a song, a CD theme, a drawing project that may end up on a merch table, or being able to impact the masses through the medium of music and art! We were brought up in church, my mom sang all the time and my dad played the piano in church and with many groups! I remember long weekends in jacked up station wagons and vans that included late night Wendy's and spiritual conversations that could lead to world impact! Some of my favorite times were those spent on tour buses with my dads gospel groups. Even though we mainly only toured the east felt like my world was expanding! I was the best stinking 9 year old roadie you have ever met! I actually enjoyed hauling heavy junk at all hours of the night! I loved helping lead worship when my grandfather would be preaching! Little did I know then that God was calling me to both lead and write worship music and to preach the word of God! Recent highlights along with sharing the word of God at 24-7 our youth group, dcog our church and other preaching oppurtunities...some of the most fulfilling moments have been spent leading worship with my wife at various places! not completely sure why I am writing this blog...maybe just to unload thoughts that have been filling my mind! Colossians 3:17 tells us whatever we do in word or in deed, do it all in the name of our Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. I am thankful for all God has given to me...currently trying to work on doing it all for the glory of God! 27 years ago I started singing...I still am! I wonder where I go from here? 1 thing God confirmed this week...while listening to Francis Chan via the catalyst podcast...he shared about calling. He said we focus so much attention trying to figure out what God is calling us to and neglect what he has already shared with us through his word! He said we focus so much on tyring to fulfill our calling and forget about being obedient to what God has already said to do! These words satisfied and challenged my heart like only God could do... I know...I have been love with God with all of my heart, soul, mind and strength! To love my neighbor as myself! To love, cherish and bless my wife! To lead worship and write music and to preach the word of God! I am called too... Other stuff...but in all, my hope and drive is for God to receive the glory for all of the above! One of the lines that was repeated many times on the paper my wife found was 'he sings all the time'. Let's see how God wants to use that... oh yeah...even though this post was very much me just sharing my thoughts I want to encourage you! God has great things in store...the best is yet to come! Don't give up on the things you feel God has called you to! May we start to live out the dreams and desires that bring glory to the Lord..and not just temporarily satisfy our selfish desires! Break our hearts for what breaks yours God...everything I am for your kingdoms cause -Hosanna - Brooke Fraser

September 17, 2010

God is with you!!!

I just felt led to send a word of encouragement your way! I am gonna get vulnerable for a minute so bare with me... Tuesday night I was talking to my wife and I kind of broke down for a minute. I had a moment of reality blow up in my mind! We have been extremely busy...working on stuff for 24-7 and trying to reach teens, moving to Delaware, digging out of financial bondage, helping to build a b&g club board, prep 4 our new CD to get done, in helping our children's church expand and doing live worship for our kids every week after the worship time in our sanctuary is over...all while my wife works close to 50 hours a week at her salon and yet still trying to maintain consistency in our faith walk! I am not in anyway complaining...we are amazingly blessed! Our life is incredible! I am a christian! I have an incredible marriage! I get to serve @ Dagsboro Church of God! God has done so much in our lives...and all the above things are great things...but at times it can be overwhelming! I have a friend who recently gave his life to Christ! Every time I call him he is at a breaking point because he too is overwhelmed! I have been trying to speak life into his situation and bring hope..and Tuesday night I had to be reminded that the same hope (Jesus) I was sharing with him, is also mindful of me and he knows how I feel! However...there are some adjustments he wants me to make in order for my life to produce less busy (even though with good things!) and more fruit! 1 of those things is to once again allow the reality of my weakness to result in surrender to him!! I don't have to have it all together all the time...but my life does need to point to the 1 that does! Living for Jesus Christ is worth it! give your time/talent/treasure to those things that matter most to you! I believe God is challenging me to once again evaluate how I am 'spending' my life and make sure he is 1st, my wife is absolute 2nd and that time with him and her take precedence over everything else! everything else that I do for his glory alone! So I said all of that to get to this! If you are tired, overwhelmed, discouraged, broken or lonely...know that you are not alone! If you are confused why you feel this way (because as a christian we shouldn't right?) know that you and I are still robed in flesh...and again I are not alone! Also...know that the Savior of the world...the King of Kings is mindful of you today! he wants to heal you!! Set you free!! Give you hope!! And overwhelm every aspect of your life with his presence and ridunc-ulously unconditional love! I heard it for almost 7 years at Joe's place and I say it again: You are loved, valued and God has a destiny for your life! I encouraged you to walk it out! And if you need to...take a second...inhale............exhale! God gave you that breath! You are blessed! Be encouraged friends!

Zephaniah 3:17 (NIV) 17 The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."

-jimmy akers

August 24, 2010


WOW! School starts for our kids, teens and college farmer friend who knows a lot more about everything than I ever will..told me northern clouds were in the sky yesterday which is a sign of a soon coming fall (all my friends tired of sweating say...yeah!!)! The battle between good and evil continues and for some reason in the middle of the tension found in moving to Delaware in 2 days..the checking account being totally tapped out and having so much going on it is hard to know where to start..I can't help but feel this sense that God is saying yet again... ...jimmy...take a deep breath...slow is going to be ok...I got this! Yesterday as I made another trip to Salisbury to run some errands I had to pick up a shower curtain rod. As usual the store is as busy as it was the weekend of Y2K and I stood in line behind this lady with way more kids than she had arms and food that barely fit in the cart with her baby's carriage thingy! I had to buy the shower curtain rod that I could afford and as I stood there I wondered if the $2 more I didn't buy the next size up would mean another trip to walmart this week! Frantic mom lady in front of me looked at me and said...'if that is all you got..go ahead of me! If you are in a hurry just go ahead!' Now..not sure if I somehow telepathically told her how I felt but my response shocked even me! I said.."no..I am fine! I have been in a rush most of my life..taking a breather won't hurt!' She smiled and thanked me for being patient but something incredible happened...I felt the presence and peace of God fall on me like a waterfall! So I said all of that to matter how hard or overwhelming your day, week, month, situation or circumstance is...DON'T QUIT! God is not through with you! If you have a heart beat you got something to be thankful for! I remind myself of this even as I type this out! I find my self in the struggle often..but my Jesus is never struggling! He is all powerful..fully alive and bigger than any junk you and I are battling through today! Be encouraged friends! God has not left the building! Some words my friend Jeremy Ferruccio has recently spoken that I believe that we need to consider...let us all start..livin' the dream! -jimmy akers PS. A chorus and word to hold on to.. I just can't give up now I've come too far from where I started from Nobody told me..the road would be easy and I don't believe he brought me this leave me! via wikipedia - Selah (Hebrew: סֶלָה‎, also transliterated as selāh) is a word used frequently in the Hebrew Bible, often in the Psalms, and is a difficult concept to translate. (It should not be confused with the Hebrew word sela‘ (Hebrew: סֶלַע‎) which means "rock.") It is probably either a liturgico-musical mark or an instruction on the reading of the text, something like "stop and listen". "Let those with eyes see and with ears hear" is most concise. "Selah" can also be used to indicate that there is to be a musical interlude at that point in the Psalm. The Amplified Bible states Selah as "pause, and think of that". The Psalms were sung accompanied by musical instruments and there are references to this in many chapters. Thirty-one of the thirty-nine psalms with the caption "To the choir-master" include the word "Selah". Selah notes a break in the song and as such is similar in purpose to Amen in that it stresses the importance of the preceding passage. Alternatively, Selah may mean "forever", as it does in some places in the liturgy (notably the second to last blessing of the Amidah). Another interpretation claims that Selah comes from the primary Hebrew root word [calah] which means "to hang", and by implication to measure (weigh). -Selah

July 20, 2010

I believe in you!

we all need to hear those words sometimes...but we also need to say them to others!
God is teaching me so much! This past week I was way humbled as I struggled with stuff that I never knew was present in my life. A sense of abandonment overwhelmed me...which led to hurt and loneliness...which in turn led to me struggling to offer forgiveness! This process was huge...maybe because I know what forgiveness looks like...I have received it and given it...but may we never forget...even though this basic principle is foundational to our times it is still a process that is difficult to walk through!
That being said..I have surrendered those things to the Lord and have forgiven the people and the junk that caused such a road block...but that led me to this amazing word from Gods word in the latter part of Romans 8:31...if God is for us who can be against us?
This word reminded me not only does God believe in me..but he won't abandon me! He also wants us to share that hope with others! To speak life!
That brings me to my last point..
A 6 year old boy named Josiah in our B&G Club seems to be drawn to me! He is always trying to sneak into my office, I have caught him on many occasions standing in my office with a bass guitar in his hands. 1 thing about him is he is always in trouble! He is usually sitting at a desk by himself because of something he did! But 1 thing I aim to do in volunteering and working with our B&G Club director is to be a positive impact in the lives of these young people!
For whatever reason Josiah seems to be drawn to me! I hope I can be an encouragement to him! A person that is consistent and that can listen. I showed him in 2 Chronicles 34:1 where he is listed in the Bible! Verse 1 says Josiah became king at 8 years old. He couldn't believe that this Josiah was only 2 years older then him when he became a king! What we did not get to yet is verse 2! I pray Josiah and you and I would come to a place to understand that someone believes in us..and that there is a verse 2! After I showed him the verse we did our secret handshake..and as he walked out I told him...if Josiah in the Bible could be King at can be good and become somebody great and do great things and stay out of trouble! I then said..'I believe in you!' 1 day I pray we would all come to truly understand..that God believes in us! And if he is for doesn't matter who is against us! Jesus showed us how much he believed in us when he died on a cross for our sins!
Be encouraged! God is mindful of you! The best is yet to come! God is for you!
-p.jimmy akers

June 7, 2010

I have something to tell you!

Jesus Christ changed my life! Let me share my story with you! This is the 2nd week of 'we unite' (a month where our youth group is joining up with 2 other youth groups! Last week was off the charts! This week our theme is 'we unite to reach!' I was looking through the bible for a text and this is where I believe God is having me to share from...specifically these verses! Mark 5:18-19

18 And when He got into the boat, he who had been demon-possessed begged Him that he might be with Him. 19 However, Jesus did not permit him, but said to him, “Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you.”

Essentially Jesus is telling this man that he does not need to leave home and follow him physically, but that he did need to go home and testify what God did in his life!

I frequently share all the great things God does in my life because he is that awesome! Truth be told...I can't keep up with all God does for me and my wife and others...but I try! However in the midst of sharing everything that he is doing.. I never want to forget or negate to share about the greatest thing that has ever happened to me!

Simply put..I was a church kid! Heard about God constantly. I knew when to raise my hands, how to cue tears, how the offering worked and how to find most books of the bible! I loved the songs because I loved music period..and I felt like I was a good kid!

At many services and revivals we attended while growing up I heard an alter call. Usually involved talk of hell, fire and burning forever! I ran to the alter maybe hundreds of times.

Funny though...I kept responding! Clearly the decision to surrender my life to Christ never really stuck because I never really surrendered! And the talk of just hell at that time in my life wasn't enough of a reason to turn around!

My 16th birthday party was on a Saturday. A christian coffee house I started to play at was having a tent revival (aka a tent in the grass cause it was nice outside). My drummer Danny was preaching and he gave an alter call. He said there is someone here..and God has been tugging on your heart for a long time. God has a plan for your life but until you surrender your heart to him...nothing is going to change. He said Jesus wanted to change my life! Instantly I knew he was calling me out without saying JIMMMYYY....I am talking to YOOUUUU! He waited and kept sharing the same thing...2 more times in fact! I hesitated because 2 of my friends from school were there. To my knowledge they were not Christian's even though we often had conversations about God.

Finally I was time! Regardless of the outcome or what my friends thought I needed Christ and I knew I needed a REAL relationship with him!

I went to the alter in the grass that night, and cried like I never had before! I literally felt like God was under that tent and that he did want to change my life! Suddenly the cross became more than a piece of jewelry commonly hung on necklaces and on walls! It was on a cross that Jesus paid the price for me and he died and then rose again to save me and set me free!

I accepted him! Jesus Christ literally SAVED MY LIFE!

Jesus Christ died for me and I accepted him into my life that be my Lord and savior..he forgave me of my sins and he gave me hope and a purpose!

And he wants to do the same for you!

Like the man described in Mark 5 I often want to just hang out with Jesus! Why not...he saved me! And honestly...I don't hang out with him enough! I am striving to change that because he is worth more time! However..God has also called us to share him and what he has done in our life with others!

So..if you don't know him..he wants a relationship with you! He is worth living and dieing for! Those are strong words but they are too true! Ask him to come into your life, to forgive you, to change you! Ask him to help you to learn to love him and love like live for him! Jesus Christ is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me! He is the reason I live, move and breathe! Do you know him?

To conclude...please pray this week! Pray these middle and high school students will come to a greater understanding of their need for Christ and the fact that we all need to share him and the story about how he changed everything!

Be encouraged and know that God is so mindful of you!

-jimmy akers

ps..not for shock or to be funny but that day is such a strong day en grained in my brain. Clearly my encounter that night with Jesus Christ will never be forgotten but...1 other thing. My 'red haired friend' (there is a reason for such description), Tom wore a shirt that day that I will never forget. It said 'pimp tom pimp' and the kid on the shirt had red hair, wore a fedora and had a girl on each arm. I am in no way endorsing the term or lifestyle of a pimp! That night I walked away with Christ! And as funny or as offensive as that image on that shirt may be to is strangely tied to the greatest moment of my life! I share this thought because if my friends that came that night with me read this blog..I hope they too will remember!

May 31, 2010

no more fat kid syndrome!

Today is memorial day. This day is set aside to honor those that have served our country in the military. People that put their lives on the line so that we can have freedom! Pastor Curtis from our church, yesterday was sharing about those that died for our freedom and he started to share about Jesus! Like those soldiers that went into the military knowing the price they might pay..Christ gave his life that we could have salvation and freedom! So now the fat kid thing! Today..I like tons of Americans went to the beach to enjoy time with my wife, friends and our day off! And it was awesome! Not as crowded as we expected..beautiful weather..and the beach! Just so you know..I frequently started to sing the chorus from that amazing plane'take my breath awwaaayyy'!! because the water was that cold! Still an awesome day though! Anyways.. I stood in the water, watched the waves and I started to reflect on my life and the word freedom! This thought..I am still 1 of the fat kids on the beach crossed my mind! Now before you start feeling bad...stay with me! I have been overweight most of my life..and have literally battled to change it! 2 years ago I lost 53.5lbs and felt awesome. I vowed never to go back and to press on..and like we do..I some how forgot my pledge and stopped working at losing weight and getting healthier. I gained some weight back and now I have been in the process of re-starting this journey! So I am still 1 of the fat kids on the beach crossed my mind again..and God began to challenge my heart! As I reflected back on that weight loss process I realized that emotionally I changed, in word and even in deed I temporarily changed..but spiritually I still held on to those chains of bondage that I was so used too! And that is why I turned around..cause when I started to struggle with the fear of not being good enough or not appreciating the small but very big victory that I had already accomplished..I was still holding on to those chains! We all struggle with weight that we carry that we were not made to carry..and I am not just talking about pounds! We settle because we see other people that are carrying weight that they shouldn't carry, so we justify our junk because we are not as jacked up as they are right?! What is my point..tomorrow is June 1st! I plan to seek God, exercise, eat better and re-start this journey! I know Jesus died for our freedom! But it is our responsibility to walk in that freedom! He wants us to be free! I want to walk in it! Do you? 1 more Hebrews 12:1 and let God speak to you! He loves us! I thank Jesus for all he has done...he has changed my life and still is! And today I thank God for all those that have served and died to give me the freedom to share the hope that only comes from God! Be encouraged! God is just getting started with us! no more fat kid syndrome! -jimmy akers

May 22, 2010

2010 whiteboard sessions..uh yes please and thank you!

yesterday I had the privilege to travel in a van down passed the river to the whiteboard sessions! It was a travel day that started at 5am and ended at 7:45pm...but what God spoke will go far beyond the 15 hour van trip! I got to go with some incredible people including Jeremy Ferruccio, his wife Ragan, Corey F. Murphy, Bishop Curtis Jones and Q! We met up with Pastor Rob and Pastor Buddy and headed inside for the conference! A few quick observations and then I will share some things I took away from each of the speakers and the day as a whole! On a side note: this blog will entail a bunch of stuff...but I could barely take notes fast enough! So much good stuff to is gonna be a long blog! Also a quick definition just so you know what I am talking about...wibo is not a new workout video I made! It is shorthand for the whiteboard sessions! here goes: -I missed my wife...she had to work! However when I returned home I got to share some of the stuff from wibo with her and it was awesome! I am learning what it is to be the priest of my home and step up my game! She is amazing! I am so blessed to have Amber...I love her beyond this blogs parameters! -I like !!!!!!!! a lot! I am not yelling at you... but !!!!! is a small way to express the overflow that I got going on when I write blogs! -a trip is always more exciting when people over sleep and when the people that travel together are willing to share there perspective honestly! I appreciated the great convo all day friends! -I kinda felt like a rock star for 10 minutes when my friend used my phone to do a radio interview for an upcoming concert!! My friend is awesome and you will be rocking his jams on your ipod soon...but in order to not embarrass his awesomeness I am not going to tell you who he is! He is gonna change the world with his music though! -@ wibo ALL of the volunteers, sponsors and speakers/musicians that I encountered were approachable, kind and happy! It was an amazing event and well executed! -wibo provided free donuts, water, coffee, soda, cookies...and all the other free junk was awesome too! (junk is merely a term of endearment..not an insult!) -@ wibo they started on time...and ended on time! This never happens anywhere! But it did yesterday! Muchas gracias! -the wibo line up was diverse and incredible! Some of the speakers I have 8 pages of notes...some I have 2...but that is the point right? -Ben Arment is a great leader! I have never met him...I read is blog occasionally...but actions speak louder than words...and yesterday spoke for itself! Well done man of God and thank you! so now on to a few thoughts I took away from each communicator yesterday: Carlos Whittaker: he was the worship leader for wibo and he brought it! I got a chance to say hi...and he is such a humble dude! I bought his CD and after listening to hit I highly recommend you check out Ragamuffin Soul..his new album..Good stuff! His passion and desire to bring people through song into the presence of God is contagious and encouraging! Jonathan Falwell: - when a man of God dies, the work of God does not! -be who YOU are! -God called us to fill our own shoes! Tony Morgan: -are we truly helping people to become fully devoted followers of Christ? -too much bad communication leads to nothing...but noise and spam! -a giant inflatable blue monkey will change everything! (read his book!) Jon Tyson: -the most important thing as a christian, leader etc. is that we receive the love of God and respond to the love of God! -we are fickle people, but God is not! -we are not to remain solely in our love for God, but in Gods love for us! -how is it that we expect people to stay madly in love with God when we aren't! -the only way will be a people and a church that is able to do immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine is to be madly in love with God! -it is possible to do ministry with polluted motives! -Jesus is looking for a people that will sit still long enough to be washed clean! -look how resistant young people are to being washed clean in the bath tub! the churches unwillingness to sit still shows our immaturity! -Jesus won't be unequally yoked with his bride! -remaining in his love produces fruit! Perry Noble: -direct mail is not the key to Pentecost! -when we endure through seasons of pain God knows that he can trust us with more! -ministry is a fight! no book or seminary can prepare you for the pain! -the fire gets turned up right before Jesus shows up in a unique way! -3 battles of many that we will have to fight: criticism, depression and focus! -the critics come out when you do great things for God! -critics aren't the majority, just the loudest! -reading what the critics say is like reading verbal porn. You know you should not read it, you know it is unhealthy and if you continue it will kill you! So cut it out! -p.noble sharing what Craig Groeschel shared with him -focus on the blessings not the critics -we all need people that love Jesus and love us...but love Jesus more than that they can speak truth into our life! -if you don't deal with depression it will cripple you and your ministry -the Bible calls those that will not work-lazy! but the bible calls those that will not rest-disobedient! -the devil never takes a day off..yeah but he's not our freakin' example! God is and he rested! -we need to have fun! God speaks to us the clearest when we are not trying! -we need time with our spouse and families! -pastors...if your church can not function without you-you taught them that you are the messiah! -most over sought still and know that I am God! -we have to just be still! -if you don't get healthy your church/ministry will not get healthy! James MacDonald: -ministry will be lonely, uncomfortable, will include conflict and rejection...but in the end it will be worth it all! -God gives strength so that his message will be fully proclaimed! -ministry does not make sense without eternity! -when we get to heaven we are not going to be disappointed! -even the donkey knew that the palm branches were for the one that road on his back! it is not about us! it is all about Jesus! -how much more like Christ can we be then to forgive others regardless! -bitterness is stupid! it is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die! Eric Mason: -as humans we are functional reductionist! we take a huge thing and take just the piece of it that we want! -we reduce grace and love! the gospel is beautiful, smokin' and gorgeous stuff! -belief in the gospel is the activator! Al Mohler: -I am going to die, you are going to die, we are all going to die...nothing we can do about it! -I preach as a dying man to dying men! -we need to exercise our stewardship of this life for the glory of God! SOOO...yeah! ...a long blog I know! some things spoken I agreed with and some not as much...however so much to chew on! God spoke through these incredible men of God yesterday in a powerful way! Our general consensus of what was spoken..we generalized on the ride home: ministry and living for Christ is not always easy but no doubt it is going to be worth it! I hope and pray that you can take something from the above novel and apply it to your life! For these are just mere words unless we walk them out! I am grateful that I got to go to the whiteboard sessions and I hope to have the opportunity to be able to go again! Be encouraged..God is so mindful of you! He loves you more than you know and he has a great plan for your life! Don't settle with just getting by! Don't settle for just existing! -jimmy akers

May 19, 2010

for his eye is on the sparrow...

Matthew 10:29-31 (NIV) 29Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. 30And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. Why should I feel discouraged, Why should the shadows come, Why should my heart be lonely, And long for Heaven and home. When Jesus is my portion! My constant Friend is He. His eye is on the sparrow, And I know He watches me! I sing because I'm happy, I sing because I'm free, For His eye is on the sparrow, And I know He watches me! God has got you!!!! This old song has been on my heart for 2 days now...I am not sure why...but are you discouraged? Are you lonely? Are you longing for more?? Jesus Christ will CHANGE everything! He is worth living for! He is the reason why I sing! And he is more mindful of you and me then we will ever know! Are you happy? He will give you joy that does not make sense! Are you free? He whom the son sets free is free indeed and he wants us to walk in that freedom! I preached Sunday about moving forward...and God is calling us to do just that! He does not want us to settle! And surely...if he has the hairs on my dome numbered..surely if he is aware of every sparrow that falls down to the ground...he is also aware of all of our circumstances! You are not alone friend! You are loved, valued and God has a destiny for your life! Walk it out! Be encouraged today! God is faithful! -p.jimmy akers

April 23, 2010

Go that way...or maybe not!

it has been a little while since I blogged goes! God has been doing so much! I titled this blog 'Go that way...or maybe not!' because of what God has been showing me! I have been raised in the pentecostal church..and truth be told my upbringing is both foundational in my faith walk and it has hindered it! How?? Well..I have been told almost all of my life which way to go, what to do and not do, what to say and not say, what is okay to wear and how to live right! Unfortunately, for most of my life all of these different directions caused great confusion and I found a comfortable place to hang out..1 we know as complacency! I quickly figured out that as people would speak things into my life I had a choice of whether I would listen or not. 1 thing I really struggled with was that sometimes the things spoken contradicted them self! As a 16 year old teenager (several years ago) I started to seek God for myself and read the Bible for myself and God started to speak to me! I love and respect all of the people that have been a part of my life and have believed in me and spoken into me..but I want too and need too hear God more! so... I said all of that to say..God is doing so much. And regardless of hearing things like 'I think you are making a big mistake' or 'I don't think you should go that way'..I really feel like God wanted me to encourage and challenge you to seek him for direction for your life first! Everybody has an opinion and everyone has to make a decision on who they are going to follow! And I challenge you to follow Christ first! I listen to tons of different musicians, pastors and authors that have a lot of great things to say! But I have to hear God for myself first! Revelation 2:1-7 speaks to a church (people) that have left their first love (Christ)! -if that is you in verse 5 God says repent and start over! Repent, get into the word, pray and seek him and you will find him! Galatians 6:9 speaks to the weary! -if that is you..hold on! Why..because it's gonna be worth it! Luke 6:26 speaks to both the prideful and those wounded from people! -if that is you..remember that God has your back! Follow him..if your off track..humble yourself and..just turn around! Psalm 34:8 speaks a challenge for us to taste and see how good God is! -if you are searching..put your trust in him! And last but not least... I have tried to seek God for direction for my life! In the ministerial internship program me and my wife Amber went through a few years ago 1 of the assignments we were given was to write statements that explained who we were and who God was calling us to be. And this scripture continues to jack me up and keep me focused on what matters most! As you read it..I want you to know that you are not alone! Know that God is more mindful of you then you realize! Know that you are loved, valued and God a destiny for your life! The best is yet to come! I don't want you to go to hell..I don't want you to go the way that just feels good! But more then what I don't want..God wants you to do more than just exist! And as simple as this scripture sounds..coming to a place where you can really live this scripture out..I believe..will change everything! Hope is rising! You are not alone! Matthew 22:36-40 36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." -jimmy akers PS. I am just starting to really embrace how much God loves me! God has called me and my wife to do some stuff! We are walking with more purpose then ever before! God is blessing us so much! And he wants the same for you! God is not partial! And..he never contradicts himself or his word!

February 23, 2010


it is 10:45 pm and I wanna share some stuff that God is doing so here goes! 1st-God has been so good to me! He woke me up this morning! My heart is lungs have breath and I am able to tell of his goodness via my eyes seeing the fingers typing words and my heart exploding with joy! I have a relationship with Jesus Christ! He alone is worthy! I have a wife that I love that also loves me that displays Gods love in ways that I have a hard time communicating! My family, friends and church are amazing...and I can go on and on and on! So yeah....God has been so good to me! 2nd-My dear friend Justin Hanneken and my new friend Jeremy Willet wrote a book called carried that you need to read! Now..I read a lot and I share books that I read and music that I listen too with a lot of people and some might think that I am sharing this book only because my friends wrote it...but truth be told you should read it because God gave the book to us to encourage, challenge, inspire and call us to walk out what God has called us too! I have put off blogging about this book because I believe in the potential it has to impact peoples lives so much that it is hard to describe it...but I am telling need to read this book! All the proceeds from the book go to missions! It is a book that won't take up too much of your time to read it..but it has the potential to directly impact the direction of your life! The book is full of truth from the word of God and testimonies and stories of things God has done and is doing in the world through people who choose to make a conscious decision to follow Jesus and walk out what they talk about!!! So...that is a short blurb about the book but check it out for yourself! I would let you borrow my copy but I have had 3 copies given to me and I have given them all away! Buy a book for one to be a blessing to someone else...all the money will go to reach the world through missions outreach! The came to our youth group at Dagsboro Church of God to start off the tour and I promise you..God will impact your life through this book! Go Check out 3rd-this week a year ago my friend Pastor Jeremy Ferruccio came to my house almost 3 hours away from his home in Salisbury and helped us pack all we had into a little yellow box truck and moved us to the eastern shore...the next part of what God was calling us to! We moved with just enough money for our security deposit, a house not sold, lots of questions including where we would go to church and where we would serve, lots of doubts from people we loved just because it was hard to support such a blind move with no proof of assurance...but GOD was in it! I remember pulling up to the light right before the intersection of our new apartment and my wife was on the phone with her sister and she started to cry and she told her sister Ashley that she did not know why she was crying...but all she knew was that she was just really happy! It is hard to share all God has done in this blog..but 1 thing is for sure..God is with us! I know as a christian God is always with us..but moving away from all that we knew that was comfortable his presence seemed to be magnified as we stepped away from our home to move and literally walk by faith! God has blessed us through prayer from friends and family, financial blessing through people and places we never expected and doors that only God could open! 1 last thing on this whole move thing! No one can put their thumb print on us or take credit for all God has done! He alone can rescue..he alone can save as the Matt Redman song says..and he alone is worthy of our praise! He challenged us to step out in faith..he made a way..he gets the glory and he is just getting started! Hallelujah Jesus!!!! 4th-In December I got a chance to share from the word of God on a Sunday morning at Dagsboro Church of God our new church! My brothers, parents and grandparents came to visit that Sunday! That afternoon my grandmother made a statement...she said 'Jimmy is smiling more now then I have ever seen him smile before! He smiles more!' I did not think much about that at the time but a few weeks ago when I was reading 'wide awake' -Erwin McManus.. one morning when I was working out a statement brought back her words! Page 98 when he was trying to explain character transformation McManus says this.. 'Transformation is the ability to get up in the morning and look in the mirror and like the person you are becoming.' So...WOW! God is growing Amber and I so much we are actually starting to show in the natural through a smile or tears of joy that which he is doing on the inside! We are in this process of transformation...and we have by no means arrived but we are in this process and I can say as we have stepped out in faith..we are starting to like the people we are becoming because we are decreasing..God is increasing and we are believing God is going to use us for his glory! this blog is not long enough I want to share something for you! Don't Quit!!! Don't give up!!! The 1st Pastor we served under as youth pastors..Pastor Chris Dutruch shared about how the darkest part of the night comes right before the Sun breaks through on the horizon! I don't know how long you have struggled or how long you have been waiting for a break through...but my friend...if you have breath and a heart still have an opportunity to follow him! God is so mindful of you and he is not finished with you! Hold on! Don't quit! Also...we still have rough days sometimes...but we can not forget what God has done! For in seasons of drought and lack we have to remember even though we don't feel like there is hope...that does not change the fact that God is still God and he is still in control and he is still worthy and he can still do more then we could ever even ask...and HE IS HOPE! So...don't forget and don't give up...but DO NOT QUIT! Read Philippians 1:6! be blessed and encouraged! thanks for reading! -jimmy akers

January 5, 2010

a challenge...

that I have been pondering the last few days! James 4:17 (NKJV) 17 Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin. With New Years Resolutions in mind I have been thinking a lot about goals for 2010 and past goals that were never achieved! Dave Ramsey shares a quote all the time on his radio/TV show that hits me heavy every time I hear it! "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting a different result!" Then I read the above scripture in James and I look at past failures and have come to the conclusion that almost if not all of my past regrets come from me not doing something or not doing what I said I was going to do! I always used to say that I was afraid of failure and that was my excuse for not trying...but really I was just being lazy! I have little regrets about the things I actually worked at and failed! So... What has God been challenging you to do? Maybe your response or lack of response to what you feel called to do has not been a sin...but I know God is ready for me and you to step up! He tells us that He has called us to do great things...that he knew us before we were formed in our mothers womb...that the hairs on our head are numbered...and yet we settle all the time with just getting by! I am tired of it! Are you? What is he calling you to do? What has he called you to do that you have been not doing...even to the point where your lack of responding to his call has become disobedience and has become sin? I know we don't like to talk about words like obedience, or discipline (I know I don't)...but I wonder why that is? Is it because we like to settle? We like to stay comfortable? We feel satisfied with our lack of achievement? I know this blog has become more of a rant...but this is what God is trying to deal with me about right now! I am sure that I am not alone! And know that if any of this is challenging too are not alone! Be encouraged...God is mindful of you! Not only does he want the best for you...I believe he has more for you and I then we realize! I wrote down some goals for 2010 that I am praying will become more than just words! The categories include my relationship with: God, my wife Amber, family and friends! Also physical, financial, education, ministry, music, travel and purchases. I know that the last 3 sounds selfish and trivial but they are things that I have been thinking about so I figured there is no harm in writing them down! To know what is know what we are being called to...and to choose to do those choose to take the 1st step...I believe...those choices to move forward in the things of God will not only make him smile...but more importantly will draw us closer to him! Thanks for has been a while and I have a lot going on in my dome! In the same words that Joe Sangl writes in his book 'I was broke. Now I'm not.'... let's hear the Lord say to you and me everyday... Pssssttt...I believe in you!