December 22, 2009

A book that you need to read is...

PRIMAL by Pastor and Author Mark Batterson! I highly recommend that it be the first book you read in 2010 (after the Bible of course...but that was a given right?!?)! I have had the pleasure the last several years of following Mark on his blog That is how I found out that on top of being a follower of Christ, a husband, a father and a pastor he is also an author that God is using to communicate truth to a world and church much in need of God's word! I find Mark's writing to be both inspirational and challenging! I have read part of his 1st self published book I.D. and I have also read In a pit and Wild Goose Chase! I have tagged many of my own emails with his book quotes...Chase the Lion and Chase the Goose! But Primal is what this blog will be devoted let me get started with that! I was extremely excited when I found out I was selected to receive primal and to write a review. I got it in the mail a few weeks ago and has been speaking to me and challenging my heart and faith walk! The whole concept of the book is to examine the great commandment...the one that Jesus himself said should be at the top of our priority list! Mark 12:28 One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important?" 29 "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' 31 The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." 32"Well said, teacher," the man replied. "You are right in saying that God is one and there is no other but him. 33To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices." 1st off...loving God with all we have should be the most important thing...but Jesus says this again which communicates a few things. 1 being that obviously we don't all get what is most important or 2 we have forgotten what is most important! Mark writes a number of things that challenge the way we as American followers of Christ live our lives...but it does not just point fingers at the forces us to examine ourselves! He breaks down what it means to Love God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength...but he also is constantly pointing to the fact that our acknowledgement of the word of God demands a response! In a Pit and Wild Goose Chase both communicated clearly a rally for God-sized courage, and faith that is not just preached but that is lived out! Primal does the same thing. Mark writes a statement in Primal that echoed some of wild goose chase where he talks about how our faith was never intended to be a noun or just a label....but it is to be walked out! Mark points out many injustices and needs that are represented in this world and challenges us to examine ourselves and how we fit in to what God is calling the church to do...not just talk about! He encourages us to look at what breaks the heart of God...and then to identify what our direct response to that should be! At the time of this blog I am 3/4 of the way through the book. For 1...I am a slow reader....but honestly...primal has challenged me so much that I am trying not to just breeze through it because I want to chew on what he is talking about! I want to be in pursuit of Christ and what he has...but when we just read things without processing them (which he also addresses in primal), we really miss out on what God has for us sometimes! Mark has a great way to communicate timeless truths in a relevant way that makes us question...what are we going to do with what God has given to us? Not just with our check books, or our relationships...but with our time...ultimately with our life! Out of all of Marks books so far Wild Goose Chase was used by God to jack me up the most but Primal has something for every reader no matter where they are in life! I appreciate Marks transparency in both his books and his blog! It encourages people and shows us that we can observe what God is doing in and through Him and NCC his church...but we too have a chance to do something with this life that God has given us! 1 more thing...if we have breath and a heart beat...we have an opportunity to choose to live a life of purpose on purpose! So I encourage you to read PRIMAL...but I also would encourage you to read In a pit with Lion on a snowy and Wild Goose Chase! Mark is voice that God is using to both reach the lost and challenge the Body of Christ! Mark has shared many times that he prays for the books that God gives him to be intentional moments in peoples lives! The Holy Spirit will speak to you clearly if you will take the time to listen to what he has to say! This Book does not take away or add to the word of God...but it does bring a fresh perspective to the truth that we know to be the living word of God! This concludes my review and blog on Batterson's new book Primal! Chase the Lion...Chase the Goose...and Love God with all of your Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength! -jimmy akers PS. ...and Love your neighbor as yourself! -Jesus to check out Marks blog go to to purchase Marks book go to

October 27, 2009

1st month weigh in 10/25/09!!! and some other stuff!

It has been a tough 10 months...not exercising much...not watching what I was eating...basically almost in survival mode, just trying to make it with having to pay for 2 homes and working up to 80 hours a week...but God has brought us through that...and now we are stepping into a new season! My brother has moved into the house that we used to own and he has lifted that burden...we got a sweet new 'matured' Subaru Forrester that we are loving thanks to some amazing friends...we are 2 months into serving on staff as the youth pastors @ Dagsboro COG seeing God move in incredible ways, loving our teens and gaining new brothers and sisters in our church family...our marriage is stronger then it has ever been...we are seeing some light as we are starting to turn around and climb out of the pit we call financial bondage...we are starting back on our belts getting looser...and most importantly...we are seeing God be God in our lives...we are growing in him...seeing his love transform us...and we are starting to walk with a great sense of destiny in our lives because of the faith he is growing in us! I said all of that to say...that God is blowing my mind with how amazing he is! I wanted to share my 1st weigh in with you it is! Starting weight in September 2009 was 414.8 weigh in this weekend was...... so I lost 14.2 pounds in my 1st month!!! I am pretty stoked about that. For 1...that is the most I have ever lost in 1 month...2nd...I am almost in the 300's...3rdly...I hope to be where I was at my lowest weight next weigh in...and last but not least...God gets the Glory! You is easy to give up! It is easy to not get up and go to the is easy to settle on whatever you want to eat instead of what you need to is easy to live a 'status quot' kind of life! It is hard to push yourself when you don't feel like it! It is hard to say no to what you want is hard to go an extra 5 minutes when you want to just go sit is hard to choose to be different and it is hard when you make the decision to stop living in bondage...whether it be the bondage of some kind of addiction, or food, or financial debt...or whatever...but you know is going to be worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went to go hear Joe Sangl speak about financial freedom and we were talking about the biggest Loser show and he said he loved it and of course I 2nd that...but Joe made a statement! He said 'I am obsessed with life change! Anything that brings life change fires me up...I can't get enough of it!' Well Joe...I am in the middle of seeing my life change...and because of God and because of a amazing wife that believes in me and that chooses to walk this journey with me...we are seeing our lives change in a bunch of ways! As we step out of bondage and into victory...may you Jesus get all of the credit! As we stop surrendering to our flesh and start surrendering to the will of God...may life change be so evident in us that it becomes contagious! And you my friends that are reading this blog...may you be challenged and inspired by the greatness of our God! Know that he loves you...know that he has a plan for you too....he is not partial to anyone...know that you are not alone...and even if the whole weight issue or financial debt issue is not your issue...there is a man named Jesus Christ that is ready to walk with you through whatever it is that is holding you back! Be the the goose...bear the cross to a world in love with kingdoms...there is hope...there is another way to live! Let us choose to Love God, Love people and follow Jesus 24-7! Let us start living on purpose...with a purpose! -jimmy akers PS. I know my grammar, punctuation and spelling sometimes can be re-dunkulous or her-ocious!!! Just pray! 2nd...check this out!

Hebrews 12:1-4 (The Message)

1-3Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we'd better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we're in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he's there, in the place of honor, right alongside God. When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls!

October 13, 2009

3rd week of the belt is looser!

So...last week I worked out 3 times but I did not stick to my diet nearly as well! I did not feel to bad about it until I went to the gym last night and weighed myself! I know it is not all about the scale...however I do know what it is going to take to see results...and unless I commit to the process for the long hall...real change is not going to occur! I was reminded about something I heard Dave Ramsey say a few years ago. He talked about something called 'The Momentum Theorem'!
-- (G) = M
(the above equations would not cooperate when I tried to type in the center...sorry. I know it looks dumb to the side! lol!) Focused Intensity over Time multiplied by God equals Unstoppable Momentum! So in order to gain that Momentum and to see our relationships, in our health, our finances, our spiritual growth, and our ministries we need to Focus! It is going to take Time! God has to be in the equation...and with all of those pieces working together...we will see Momentum which will lead to Change! I desire to see change...I desire growth...and I hunger for God to get all the glory...and he will! I am not giving up...I am not allowing discouragement to over take me! At the gym I watch people run on the treadmill or around the track! At our apartments I watch people run around the complex! I can not run...yet...however I will! Thanks for praying for us! Keep on praying! Youth group this week is going to be off the charts! God has been so good to us! Time to put the finishing touches on my message for Wednesday so...Be encouraged! God is so mindful of you! If you feel like you are running out of steam...stop running...and try to just focus on God! Give it some time...and your crawl or walk will start to pick up the pace...and before you know will be running on purpose with a purpose! I come! -jimmy akers PS. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (NKJV)
24 Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. 25 And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown. 26 Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. 27 But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.

1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (The Message)

24-25You've all been to the stadium and seen the athletes race. Everyone runs; one wins. Run to win. All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You're after one that's gold eternally. 26-27I don't know about you, but I'm running hard for the finish line. I'm giving it everything I've got. No sloppy living for me! I'm staying alert and in top condition. I'm not going to get caught napping, telling everyone else all about it and then missing out myself.

October 5, 2009

2nd week of The Belt is Looser Begins!

Pledge cards are starting to come in! I am starting to get excited and nervous about the next 4 months! 1st I am excited to see what God does! This weight loss campaign is a way to raise money for the youth and children's funds at our church...but more importantly it is a way to glorify God with this Body he has given to me! I am looking forward to being able to do more as a result of this process! 2nd I am nervous because this is tough! Discipline is not easy! Watching what you eat and exercising is not always fun! I do enjoy the journey but day to day can be tough! God is able...I know I can do it...but these steps into victory are not going to be easy! Just an update...last week I was fighting a cold. I still am a little but it made it tough to work out. I did a Biggest Loser workout DVD 1 day and Saturday I worked with 6 teens alongside of our church food pantry ministry...handing out food with the D.E. food bank to a few hundred people! An awesome day to see the community impacted in a positive way with no strings attached but I also got a pretty good workout. I took at least 40 sacks of potatoes (50lb bags) to peoples cars! I was sweating pretty good! I felt good but it was no joke! I have been tracking calories...watching the Biggest Loser and praying for fruit as I begin to dive deep into exercise! Pray 4 me...I plan to hit the exercise giant HARD! God is good! Be blessed! -p.jimmy akers PS. we do not fight our battles alone and we do not need to give in to fear!

-Joshua 1:9 (NIV) 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

September 27, 2009

Dance in the rain much???

I got an email from a dear friend of mine and in the forward somebody had this incredible quote in the middle of one of the forwarded messages!

"life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass It's about learning to dance in the rain!" -vivian greene

I have read that quote a few times now and it encourages me every time I read it! We get so focused on looking for a way out of our trouble and the hurdles in life that we forget to enjoy the journey as Joyce Meyer would say! God is doing so much in us right now words like "overwhelmed" and nice christian-ese sayings like "God is just stretching us" do not begin to describe what is happening! But regardless of how big life feels to us right now the amazing, faithful, alive and well Jesus Christ is doing a thing in us and through us that only he can get the glory for!!! I want to encourage you to stop looking for the sun to come up in your dark situation for just a second and take a look at the son who is riding that dark storm out with you! Not trying to ignore hard times...we all have them and if we just avoid them they will never get dealt with...however there is a victory that is only found in surrender and worship! Which leads me to dancing in the rain! God has been doing some things in my life that I want to share! 1-God has been using Amber in a pretty incredible way! I don't want to get in my flesh and boast in a prideful way so I am not going to share specifics because I want all the glory to go to the Lord...but let's just say it is challenging me to want to bless people more than ever! Wow! Just wanted to testify to God's goodness! 2-Our first 4 weeks of leading 24-7 student ministries has been amazing! We are meeting new people and teens everyday and slowly but surely he is leading us! Praise God for bringing death back to LIFE! 3-The Belt is Looser 2 officially started today! I weighed in at 414.8lbs! I plan to run the fund raising campaign for our youth group and children's church from now until Jan. 2010! I have gained some weight since I stopped the last campaign however I still have held on to 35+ pounds of my weight loss last year! You who read this may be disappointed to see I gained some weight back...and I was too when I first stepped back on the scale for the 1st time in close to 9 months! But God is bigger than my set back...he is bigger than my guilt and shame...and with him I am going to move forward in my journey to get healthier! Me and Amber are both working on getting healthier so pray for us! Oh yeah...and this tuesday is the 3rd episode in the new biggest loser season! Amazing!! 4-some tough things have weighed on us recently...1 having not sold the house and 2 the loss of our car! But can I testify...God has humbled us, provided transportation when we had none...Lord willing my brother J takes ownership of our house next weekend and God gets the glory! We have prayed for relief and strength and God is proving in huge ways that he is still a provider and he has not forgotten! 5-today at church P.Kim preached on generosity and honestly I would have to say I have never seen generosity more than I have in the last year of my life! Literally loaned cars, checks in the mail, grocery drop offs, prayer and support that attest to the fact that the Body of Christ has not stopped breathing...honest to God today God overwhelmed me with his greatness! I am not feeling well and we helped lead worship while P.Jeremy and Ragan were away and God proved himself strong! Seriously...I think of the blessing I have in my fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord...some spread throughout the world and I just thank God! So today I make a choice...instead of looking for the sun to rise...even though it will if God wills it...I am looking for the son of God to rise and be glorified in my life! I type this right now feeling like poop telling you that I am going to Dance in the rain! Why? because God is worthy! I got no groove in my natural body to dance yet...but my spirit is laying it down harder than any B-Boy you have ever seen! I choose to dance in the Rain! What about you??? -jimmy akers PS.Psalm 34 (The Message)

Psalm 34:1-10 1 I bless God every chance I get; my lungs expand with his praise. 2 I live and breathe God; if things aren't going well, hear this and be happy: 3 Join me in spreading the news; together let's get the word out.4 God met me more than halfway, he freed me from my anxious fears.5 Look at him; give him your warmest smile. Never hide your feelings from him. 6 When I was desperate, I called out, and God got me out of a tight spot. 7 God's angel sets up a circle of protection around us while we pray. 8 Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see how good God is. Blessed are you who run to him. 9 Worship God if you want the best; worship opens doors to all his goodness. 10 Young lions on the prowl get hungry, but God-seekers are full of God.

August 31, 2009

my 1st day!!!

I have too much going on in my head and not enough time to write a long blog but let me just share a few thoughts about today! -God blessed me with a new day! -my wife is amazing and beautiful! -my 1st day at dagsboro church of God has been crazy amazing! as pastor Kim called it yesterday "a destiny realized kind of moment"! a little overwhelmed in an awesome way! -I feel like I am about to explode...seriously God is about to break some stuff loose! from death to life! more to come...God is good! be encouraged! -jimmy akers PS. be praying...our 1st 24-7 youth group service takes off this Wednesday! pray expecting!

August 5, 2009

moving forward!

so....we are stuck in some jacked up I figured this would be a great time to get my blog on! we are moving forward with God's help! a few updates... -amber is doing so good at designers edge! most apprentices do not work with there 1st client until after there 1st year but amber is 7 months into her apprenticeship and her book is totally open, she is pretty much running the satellite salon they have set up in victoria park retirement community and she is growing so much in her craft! it blesses me so much to see God blessing her with this incredible oppurtunity and to see her straight killing it!! is amazing!!! - in 2 weeks we are taking our vacation and celebrating our 5 year wedding anniversary! God has blessed us so much! a week off together will be so good! after working 70+ hours a week for 5 months I am totally ready to chill with my incredible wife and reflect, regroup and get refreshed for the new season we are entering into!!!! - my 26th bday is tomorrow....pretty crazy! I am so blessed! God is so good! ...and another thing only God could do... - a few weeks into moving to the eastern shore God led us to dagsboro church of God! after a few weeks of being there God confirmed that this was the church we were going to serve in, grow in and grow with in this new season of our life! we have been serving on the worship team and getting to know our new church family! God has been doing alot in us during the last 5 months...but the newest blessing that God is opening up for us is....that as of the 1st week in september we are going to be serving as the new youth pastors at the church! what???? God....are u kidding??? well I could not make this up if I wanted to...God is doing something crazy in us! we are blessed, humbled and overwhelmed to have this oppurtunity! there is too much to write in blog...but let's just say God is doing alot! -and God gets all the glory! he is the only reason we have breath in our bodies...heart beats in our chest....he is the only reason we stepped out in faith and he is going to get all the glory as the lives of young people are impacted in and around sussex county! we feel such a crazy anticipation for what God is about to do...only God can do all that he is doing! you for praying...thank you for the encouragement...thank you for being a blessing...thank you for reading! there is so much more but this blog post is long enough! be encouraged!! God is no respector of persons...he is soooo mindful of you! seek him...worship him! God is good! thanks for reading! -jimmy akers ps. walked 1 1/2 miles home from work yesterday! felt pretty good...God gave me strength to make it home after working a 15 hour day! ...more great things that God is doing to come...hopefully our house sells soon! ...we are moving forward!

July 25, 2009

hope is rising!

within my heart! there is a song I have been hearing recently on the radio that echo's the words 'hope is rising' and I can say right now I feel that way! I am currently in o.c. on the beach at night trying to write this blog on my phone (never tryed before so this could quite possibly be the worst post grammatically I have ever written!) but as I sit hear listening to the waves and seeing the tide come back in and feeling the wind blow...a great anticipation is stirring up in me! God has been doing so much! I will be sharing real soon about some of it...but I just want to share some encouragement! looking back at...almost 5 months of working 72-75 hours a week and feeling physically and emotionally exhausted! pressure I never knew existed with us still paying for a mobile home that has not sold!...having to hold on tight to my wife as we experience what real faith and walking in it feels like!...moving away from all that we found comfort in!...and fighting through the doubt, fear and negative junk people have tried to throw our way because they have a hard time seeing God work 'like this'! ...I can trully feels so good to be in God's perfect will! that's why hope is rising because God is glorified in us and through us more and more as we surrender to the Lord! we are not walking as people may want...or even at times the way we might want....but it is what God wants! praise God! he has been so good to us! the Lord is so good! Blessed be his name! So...surrender your hurt and defeat to him! my pastor preached a message last week about anxiety...and as we give our anxiousness to the Lord he will give us a peace that does not make sense! praise God for peace that doesn't make sense! praise God for a hope that is only found in him! don't give is going to be worth it! chase the Lion! chase the goose! rain is coming! get ready! while you are waiting...worship him! depressed?? let him fill you up with a joy that can not be found in any addiction, chemical or be bought! broken?? let him heal you and take those broken pieces and create an amazing piece of art! alone?? find comfort in a heavenly father that prepared you for a a savior that died for you...and in the holy spirit that is always there..moving and working regardless of how much you try to jack stuff up! God has got you! let hope rise within your heart! God is not done yet! don't quit! BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD!!! p.s. went to my 1st dave matthews concert last night that blew me away! blessed to hang out with brad as I got to listen to one of my musical influences and musical child hood heroes! amazing display of giving all you got through music! God has given dmb incredible talent and influence! How awesome would it be if dmb came to know the one that gave them all they have! there is hope! p.s.s. be encouraged! Hope Is Rising!

June 17, 2009

the LORD is Good!!!

Psalm 34 is off the charts...but I wanted to take a few moments to post on 1 verse that is speaking to me so clearly today...and share that with you of course!
Psalm 34:8 (NKJV) - 8 Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!
Psalm 34:8 (The Message) - 8 Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see— how good God is. Blessed are you who run to him.
We fail sometimes to realize how good God is! Every breath, every new day we have, every time God speaks to us and we acknowledge him, every time we walk by faith, every time someone blesses us, every time God does something that no one else could ever take the credit for and we get to see it...even in the hard times when you have nothing else to offer, when your body is past exhaustion, when you need a friend and you realize God is there, in the moments of pain that seem to be unending, in the midst of brokenness that won't quit...God is still so Good!
He is always moving, always speaking, always up to something...we need to stop long enough to taste and see it! The LORD is Good!!!
...but that is not all...
...blessed is the person who trust in or runs to HIM! and see...he is Good!...taste and see...he is God!...taste and see...HE IS! Him! in Him!...Run to him!
read psalm 34 and be blessed! be encouraged!
-jimmy akers
PS. God is true to his word! You will see when you taste and see and trust in him!

June 10, 2009

ever felt overwhelmed? and a few more scattered thoughts...

I feel like I have told the story a million times about why me and my wife Amber moved...but to recap in just a few words...we stepped out in faith trusting God because we knew he wanted us too! So now what??? Currently we are walking by faith pursuing God! I don't mean just praying over our meals or casually going to church, I mean we are really pursuing God! Once again I reiterate that faith is a walk not just a talk and it is tough a lot of times! So recently I have been feeling overwhelmed in a bunch of ways! I know tons of other people that are overwhelmed I just wanted to share a word of encouragement with you...if you are in the same it is! Joshua 3 is a powerful chapter where God tells Joshua to take some folks and step in the water before he sees provision. (you should read it!) There is one verse that has become a big reality in my life in this great story of what faith looks like. Here it is: -Joshua 3:15a Now the Jordan river is at flood stage all during harvest....

So...the river was overwhelming just a little for Joshua and the folk following him but he still did it! The rest of that verse and the next few verses say...

Yet as soon as the priests who carried the ark reached the Jordan and their feet touched the water's edge, 16 the water from upstream stopped flowing. It piled up in a heap a great distance away, at a town called Adam in the vicinity of Zarethan, while the water flowing down to the Sea of the Arabah (the Salt Sea) was completely cut off. So the people crossed over opposite Jericho. 17 The priests who carried the ark of the covenant of the LORD stood firm on dry ground in the middle of the Jordan, while all Israel passed by until the whole nation had completed the crossing on dry ground.

The miracle happened...the provision came but if Joshua and God's people would of turned around before the river opened up...they never would of seen what God does when you trust him! HE PROVES HIMSELF TO BE GOD and TRUE TO HIS WORD! So...the river is still raging and we are still in between...but we are not alone! God has been so faithful! One thing is for sure...we are not getting out of the water! God wants us to be right where we are and we are going to continue to trust him.

It feels like the waters are going to overtake us at times but we serve a real Big God who is able! We are not walking away from the Lord or back out of the water! And I wanted to tell don't quit now!

Blogging for some could be looked at as a way to vent or share how you are feeling but I want to tell you something...God is for real! He is faithful! You keep going! You keep pursuing him!

A scripture to hold on too...

Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. 2Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

Scattered thoughts...

-God is blessing Amber so much at Designers Edge. She will be on the floor officially cutting hair July 1st. She has already done a lot of hair but they are opening her book! She is working hard...God is blessing her!

-Sunday night at our church Dagsboro COG we helped to lead worship for the masters commission graduation. The whole service was amazing but during the worship there were a few moments that I just got lost in the presence of the Lord! It feels really good to be there! Praise God!

-God is giving me strength I can't create! He is showing me things I have never noticed! He is helping me to realize how much in need of him I am! I do not really know what he has for us but I am really thankful that we have him!

-I am starting to work my way in to dropping more lbs. for the Lord! Pray for us! We are both working on it...this week I started journaling what I eat again which really holds me accountable. God will get the glory!

Be encouraged! I too feel overwhelmed at times...but God is with us! Let us continue to run with perseverance!

-jimmy akers

May 20, 2009

don't give up! you are not alone!

I only have a few minutes to blog but I wanted to share something that God is currently reminding me! I am not alone...and I want to remind you...You are not alone! I remember 1 Sunday morning at New Cov before the morning service started I was in my office early doing something (I can't remember the something right now...), but I do remember the feeling of doubt, fear and loneliness and discouragement that for whatever reason had gripped me that morning. When things pile up, the weight of the world seems to rest on us and it is too heavy for us to carry! If you have been there you know exactly what I am talking about! Anyways...while I was busy working on whatever it was I pulled the Jason Upton site up...don't remember why but music was playing and I left it there on that page while I worked on stuff. At some point this song of his began to play and these words came out of the speakers... "You’re not alone...You’re not alone...I never leave you...I never leave you..." I could hear the words...but the words were more than just a song! They were penetrating my heart and ministering to me and literally bringing me out of the bondage I felt that morning! I really needed to hear those words today...and God is reminding me...that we are not alone! He is for us! He has a plan! He is God! He is in control! He is with us! He has not forsaken us! So...I now say to you...You are not alone! God is for you! God has a plan for you! God is still God! God is in control! God is with you! God has not forsaken you! Be encouraged...the King is mindful of you! We are all here for such a time as this to do something for him! I battle daily with discouragement, fatigue and worry....but God is bigger than those things! We are victor's through't give up! you are not alone! -jimmy akers PS... Joshua 1:9 nkjv-Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 the message - Haven't I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don't be timid; don't get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take."

April 8, 2009

Waiting on God...ever been there?

Isaiah 40:31 (nkjv) - But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Just thinking out Loud!!! When we the (fast food, I want it now, MY way, etc...folk), have to wait on anything we rarely feel our strength being renewed, nor do we feel like we can fly and maybe I am speaking for myself but I can't run even when things are going great (at least not yet!). In fact, usually when we are in the the waiting room of life for anything that really matters we usually find ourselves feeling drained, exhausted and we battle discouragement. But I want to share a few things that I have been thinking about a lot, especially the last few weeks. By the way, I have to keep reminding myself of these things a here goes! When I looked up the word wait a couple words used to describe it were: 1) to wait, look for, hope, expect So...waiting on the Lord means to wait on God (it is tough), but we need to look for God to show up (and he will), and we need to hope for him (real hope and peace are only found in him anyways), and we need to live in expectation (this in it self can go both ways but we need to expect Him to do what he says he is going to do because he is God and HE WILL!) I don't know very much about flying but I can speak for myself from recent experience and say God is true to HIS WORD! Haven't left the ground yet it is! Things are not perfect, we have not sold our house yet, our finances are tapped out (more bills than money), I am working 70-75 hours a week between 2 jobs, my wife is working like crazy, we have very little time and we are still praying for directions in a lot of different area's...this is starting to sound like a bad country song (almost joking)...but the song's not done yet! Things don't seem perfect but we believe with ALL that we are that we are walking in the perfect Will of GOD! It's not easy to walk out your faith but it is going to be worth it! We have not sold our house yet...But God is the author and finisher of our faith and the word YET breeds opportunity...and GOD is going to make a way! We are struggling with bills right now but God is so faithful! Just 3 days ago friends drove several hours to hang out and eat dinner with us and they showed up with bags of groceries (Brad was there to view the blessing)! Yes I am working 70-75 hours a week and yes it is exhausting but you know is only for a season. God has a plan! There are days that I feel totally wiped out after working 7 hours, then to have to head home to change to then go work 8 more hours the same day 5 days a week is crazy, but God is giving me the renewed strength to do it! I have 2 jobs when a lot don't have one. I have benefits through the 1 when most don't have any. Working at a convenience store and a fast food restaurant are not glamorous but as I am waiting on the Lord...he is teaching me that if I live my life for his glory it does not matter what my job is as long as I am walking in his will, loving God & people with all I am and doing all I do for his Glory! And as far as the seeking direction...yeah it is frustrating sometimes to wander what in the world to do but as along as we seek him...he is going to take care of the rest! So waiting on God...yeah I have been there too! I am still there! I pray for strength, I pray for financial resources to come in, I pray for direction but I am also learning that part of the renewal comes from gratefulness! Thank you Jesus for another day, thank you for saving me, thank you for my wife Amber (my bride, best friend, partner in every way and a tangible view of unconditional love), for my family and friends, my jobs, my car, my food, for putting up with my doubt and complaining and for forgiving me........thank you Jesus for every thing! He is helping us! You too can pray for us for the house, $ and direction! All prayers are appreciated but just know if you have been waiting on God you are not alone! Know also that he has not forgotten you...even though you might feel like he has. Also know that HE IS TRUE TOO HIS WORD! I leave you with 1 more scripture... Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Be encouraged. Every time I think out loud about my discouragement my wife tells me 'it is going to be OK'! Sometimes she says 'don't go backwards'! is going to be OK! Don't go backwards! Be encouraged! God is in control! Wait on him! God WILL come through! Just look at what Jesus already has done! Jesus is still there! -jimmy akers PS. I hope to start working out regularly again, I have been working on some new songs (starting to dream again), and being with my wife is worth more than money could buy! God is about to do some stuff! Not sure yet what or when but it is coming! I am waiting...EXPECTING! PSS. Sorry this is so long! In the words of my buddy John Call 'that's how I dooze it'! ...and thank you for reading!

March 15, 2009

10 things I am thinking about right now...just in case you wanted to know!

10-it is raining and I used to not like the rain...but I am starting to like it more now that God has used the rain to remind me that he is God and that he is still in control! Plus...we are alive to be able to feel the rain on our thank you Jesus for another day! 9-days off never seem long enough! It makes me appreciate every moment even more! 8-the church we have went to the last 2 weeks shares the gospel during both worship services every Sunday morning...last week and today people made decisions to accept Christ! As pastor perry noble says all the time...that never gets old! It actually has been challenging me because I wonder why it is so easy for us to get so comfortable with not seeing people hear the gospel message...or for that matter sharing it ourselves????? 7-I miss folks from home (family & friends)! We love you all! We hope to see u soon! 6-faith is a walk...not just talk! -James 2:20 says...But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead? ...I say that because us moving and walking by faith is a huge step in our walk with God! But if we are not going to walk it is just words! so it is not easy...but it is going to be worth it! What is he challenging you to walk out??? 5-my current places of employment that rhyme with 'rara' & 'rick-mil-way' are crazy busy and are just plain crazy at times! just wanted to throw that out there! 4-I love being here with my wife. How I missed her when we had to live away from each other for almost a month and a half! God has blessed me with an incredible woman of God! 3-I really stink about keeping up with this blog! 2-I am bout to watch 'fireproof' the movie again with some is a great movie! Stoked! ...and the #1 thing on my mind presently is... 1-I don't know what God is going to be doing with me and Amber here on the eastern shore but I know he has called us here for a reason during this season of our life! I still struggle with moments of doubt and lots of questions...but he is God and if he says he's got us...I know he's got us! We are all here on purpose for a and you! Don't forget that Gods got you! And if you choose to follow him and trust can't go wrong! be encouraged and blessed! Keep chasing the Lion & the Goose! thanks for reading and thanks for praying! -jimmy akers ps. still checking my even though I currently hold no pastoral position at a specific church. holla back!

February 8, 2009

good day to you...

A few things... Our last day at new covenant 2 Sundays ago was amazing. We got to spend time with a bunch of folk we care a lot about and I got to preach my last sermon that night at the church. We got blessed in many ways including hugs, prayers, encouraging words and some money that will help us in our move in a pretty big way! Thank you Jesus...and Thank you everyone that came and blessed us! My favorite part of the day by far was at the end of the service when I got to lead some songs of worship to God with my new cov. friends. It felt so good to just worship God! He is worthy! We have about 2 1/2 more weeks left until I move down and we move our junk into the apartment. Thursday Feb. 26th is the move day so if some of you folk that volunteered to help wanna come...holla and let me know. We showed the house this went pretty good...and we are still praying for God to help us sell it or to give us the money we need to pay the loan off so we can bless someone with the house! How awesome would that be! He is able! Also keep praying for financial provision. God has blessed us so much in ways that we don't deserve...but without him this is not gonna work out. I guess just pray for us to trust him...because there is no doubt he is gonna help us through it all. He is yeah...just pray! Thanks! 2 more things...this morning...I played drums with a new band I am in (side note: the jim akers band is not over) but anyways (it is pretty funny cause I don't even have a drum and we got to play pre-service at premier winterfest in O.C. Maryland this morning. It went really well. It was a great opportunity and experience and I pray that God was blessed in what we did! We also got to see some of our teens and friends from ignite! So last thing...sometimes people ask me why I share so much personal things with people (some examples: needs, worries, my weight battle, financial stress and spiritual battles). So why...well I say why not? There is some things I do not share...but I believe that God may be able to use my lack, doubt and struggles to encourage someone else. You are not alone...and by sharing in the battles sometimes the victories and testimonies seem to be sweeter! I try to walk out what I talk and live a transparent life. I am a screw up and I am nothing without Christ...but through him I can do all him I can live, move and have my being...there is hope and strength found in who he is! I am a real person in need of a savior and Jesus is that! We serve a BIG, HOLY and AMAZING GOD! I don't understand all he is up too....but I know this! GOD IS GOOD! Be encouraged! -jimmy akers a child of the King!

January 23, 2009

Another b-e-a-u-tiful day to live life! UPDATES!

So...Lot's of NEW things happening! I will try to be brief but we all know that rarely happens. 1st off...God is so GOOD! We get so caught up in our junk that we forget to acknowledge that the God that created everything loves us and if we still have breath in our body and a heartbeat in our chest...then that means we ARE BLESSED! Thank you Jesus for another day! Hallelujah! ---Psalm 34:8 -8 Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him! 2nd...Amber has been working in Salisbury for about 3 weeks. Her job at the salon and apprenticeship are going great! God has blessed her with this amazing opportunity and it is something that she has always wanted to do so we thank God for it! 3rd...some things to praise God for! -We needed $2,576.00 for our security deposit and 1st months rent. We got a move in deal where if we paid $199 of that deposit by the end of December we would get $150 off every month of our rent for our 18 month lease but we did not have the money to send. Seriously...some folks that are very close to our hearts straight up showed up at our house and Handed us $300! God provided that $199. I preached and lead worship with my band at a church and we never charge. But they sent me a check for preaching at the church for $500! So I dropped $576 more off towards our deposit! I needed my job transfer and a 2nd job in Salisbury to open. I am happy to say I have 2 jobs waiting for me in Salisbury. We wanted a 1st floor apartment but they only had the 3rd floor apartments available. When I went to interview for job, drop off the $576 and see my lovely wife it just so happened that, that day someone on the 1st floor turned in notice that they we were leaving in 30 we are getting the 1st floor! There is so much but one other thing...I have needed a 2nd job here in harford county until I moved...the Arena club is letting me come back and giving me a 3rd night to work but I did not have a car to get there. Thanks to some other dear friends I will have wheels next week. Not to mention the fact that God has provided transportation from friends and family everyday that I have Needed it! SO...Praise GOD for all he has done so far! so much for being short... 4th...things to pray for... -we still need at least $2000 for our security deposit and some extra $$$ to help with the move -we still need to sell our mobile home! We are only asking what we owe so...God is able! -and last but not least...that we would continue to trust God! Stepping out in faith is incredible but it is not easy! God's will is not always easy but it is going to be worth it! We are trying to be obedient and to trust him totally! Look at what he has already done...and there is so much is just so hard to keep up with all God is doing! Praise be to him! 5th...lastly...this Sunday January 25th is our last Sunday at New Covenant. I am preaching and I pray that God would use me once again. I have been blessed to be at the church for 13 years. I proposed to my wife in the church parking lot! I preached my 1st sermon there! We got married there! We have been blessed to be the youth pastors for almost 4 years! God has done a lot in 13 years! This Sunday will be our last Sunday at the church! We would love to see you! This is the closing of one season of our life but the beginning of a new one! Our relationships with people will endure the distance and the changes! God is a big God and we have been blessed by so many people! We love and appreciate all that have befriended us, supported us and prayed for us! Hopefully we will see you Sunday! so...I am done for now! Thank you for reading and praying! We love you all! be encouraged! We serve a Big and awesome GOD! He is able! Chase the goose! Chase the Lion! Pursue Christ like never before! Jesus is still there! LIVE LIFE! -jimmy akers PS. more to come!

January 12, 2009

2008 weight loss and MORE!


1st off I am sorry that it has been so stinking long since I posted on this blog. I hate it when I go to websites and they are never updated and I admit that I have become an official website updating slacker! I will try to do better for real!

Now the totals for 2008 and the belt is looser….

Above is the picture of me before We started our weight loss journey and I had reached my highest weight ever which was a whopping 450.5! (never again by the way) Below is the picture of me getting my bike on while watching the biggest loser and it was my starting weight for the belt is looser which was 409.4!

Instead of repeating myself again I will just let you know where we are today!

Also I wanted to share how much money has been raised as of this blog... Before I go on. If you still want to donate you can mail your donation to: New Covenant Church of God 2530 Conowingo Road Bel Air MD, 21015 Make checks payable to New Covenant Church of God. Please make sure you put in the memo "youth group belt is looser donation" so that it goes into the youth fund! SO I was 450.5 and I am now floating around an incredible God is amazing 387.4 lbs! I have come so far but I am not done. My goal for 2009 is to lose another 75 lbs! God is able! I am going to try! Thank u's go out to.... Jesus Christ, my incredible and amazingly beautiful wife Amber, and everyone that has prayed, emailed/called/texted or given me any words of encouragement, also to all that have donated already to ignite youth group and all who may still donate! Your donation has and will be used to impact the lives of teenagers for the cause of Christ! Now...2008 is over and God is up to a lot! I will be posting a new blog in the next 2 weeks about all that God is up to in me and Amber's life including (a moving update, some testimonies...and more)! This blog will continue to be a place where you can keep up with our lives and all God is doing even though the belt is looser is over! Have a great day! Be encouraged...the King of Kings is mindful of you! God is able! Chase the GOOSE! Be blessed! -jimmy akers P.S. GOD IS WORTHY! GOD IS ABLE! GOD IS GOD AND I AM NOT! GOD IS GOOD!