May 20, 2009

don't give up! you are not alone!

I only have a few minutes to blog but I wanted to share something that God is currently reminding me! I am not alone...and I want to remind you...You are not alone! I remember 1 Sunday morning at New Cov before the morning service started I was in my office early doing something (I can't remember the something right now...), but I do remember the feeling of doubt, fear and loneliness and discouragement that for whatever reason had gripped me that morning. When things pile up, the weight of the world seems to rest on us and it is too heavy for us to carry! If you have been there you know exactly what I am talking about! Anyways...while I was busy working on whatever it was I pulled the Jason Upton site up...don't remember why but music was playing and I left it there on that page while I worked on stuff. At some point this song of his began to play and these words came out of the speakers... "You’re not alone...You’re not alone...I never leave you...I never leave you..." I could hear the words...but the words were more than just a song! They were penetrating my heart and ministering to me and literally bringing me out of the bondage I felt that morning! I really needed to hear those words today...and God is reminding me...that we are not alone! He is for us! He has a plan! He is God! He is in control! He is with us! He has not forsaken us! So...I now say to you...You are not alone! God is for you! God has a plan for you! God is still God! God is in control! God is with you! God has not forsaken you! Be encouraged...the King is mindful of you! We are all here for such a time as this to do something for him! I battle daily with discouragement, fatigue and worry....but God is bigger than those things! We are victor's through't give up! you are not alone! -jimmy akers PS... Joshua 1:9 nkjv-Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 the message - Haven't I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don't be timid; don't get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take."