May 30, 2011

What are you doing with your open door?

Revelation 3:8 (Msg) 8"I see what you've done. Now see what I've done. I've opened a door before you that no one can slam shut. You don't have much strength, I know that; you used what you had to keep my Word. You didn't deny me when times were rough.

This scripture has always intrigued me. I recently heard it again and I have not been able to get it out of my head.

Many times in my life I have prayed and asked God to give me direction and when he didn't respond the way I wanted or expected...I hesitated or even at times missed an opportunity that he had right in front of me...but I did not have the eyes to see what he had opened up in front of me.

The last few years I have sought God more and prayed for wisdom and direction more than ever before...and something I am learning is that an open door that God opens needs to be walked through! I am learning so much about my faith in this beyond amazing Jesus. Our Pastor recently has been talking about us understanding our place in the Kingdom and having the faith to believe that anything really is possible...but we gotta do something with the door he has in front of us.

1 more thing...

Psalm 119:105 (NKJV) 105 Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.

I heard Dave Annasco a missionary to the Philippines several years ago share about this Scripture. He reminded us that they didn't have LED's or Mag lights back in the day...they had a candle or oil lamp at best. And in order for their path to be illuminated..they had to keep walking...because without moving forward...the throw of the light only went so far..and so did they!
Friends...if he is opening a door or has an open door in front of him to walk it out! Stay faithful to him...he won't lead you wrong! He knows our strength is limited...but His has no limit! What are you doing with the open door or doors he has placed in front of you?? Jesus is coming back...and we need to make the most of the time and the door we have been given!

Be blessed and encouraged friends!

2 Corinthians 5:7 (NKJV) 7 For we walk by faith, not by sight.


May 14, 2011

It is about way more...

after a great work out this morning...we are currently hanging out with good friends. Earlier we were watching a movie and I was texting a friend and God dropped some revelation on me. A little background before I share it with you.

I was raised in church. I have always known that God had a great plan for my life. In fact...I believe God has a destiny for everyone! God has blessed me and my wife and challenged us time and time again to step out in faith...there has always been this sense of purpose behind what he was calling us too. A few months ago...God did it again. We were serving in Delaware and God challenged us to trust him and migrate south to Clermont, Florida! A big step for a whole bunch of reasons but God has never let us down...that is how he rolls! Florida is our new home!

When we arrived we were told by multiple people that they had been praying for God to send someone here...and that we were answers to prayer. As humbling and as appreciative as I am that people have prayed for us...and for the affirmation...God is saying even more! The Bible reminds us in Psalm 37:23 that God orders our steps. We have fully embraced the fact that God has brought us to Florida to do a great work for His glory...but he is showing me that there is even more!

It is not just about what he is doing THROUGH us...more importantly...he wants to do a great work IN us!

To frequently we (christian folk) are so busy trying to do the good stuff that we neglect the God stuff...the stuff God is trying to do in us!

I remember when I was a teenager my Pastor, Chris Dutruch shared several times that God was not as concerned with our comfort as he was with our character. Even though the process is tough incredible is it that our God cares about us THAT MUCH!

Anyways friends...It is not just about what he is doing THROUGH you...more importantly...he wants to do a great work IN you! encouraged!! Jesus did not die on a cross for you and I to just barely get by... John 10:10 clearly shows us God has incredible things planned for us...and we need not be deceived with the comfort blanket of Apathy or Settling! God wants to continue to use you...but he also wants to grow you! It may be tough, it may not always feel good...but it is gonna be worth it.

Philippians 1:6 (Amplified Bible)

6And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.


PS. testimonies...God is blessing us so much! And even though it has only been 2 months...we have already seen fruit and blessings in our time here! And the best is yet to come. In the health department...we just completed our 2nd week back in the gym. Our goal is to work out 5 days a week mixing it up between cardio and strength training. God has given us the strength and grace to make some changes in our eating habits..and honestly we feel incredible. A little tired and sore...but we know it is gonna be worth it! Not Settling!! Just can do it too!

May 1, 2011

Don't lose heart!!

The last few months of our lives have been an incredible whirl-wind of crazy, busy, worn out and amazing all rolled into one...

Sometimes we forget simple truth's that God has already spoken through his word!

Galatians 6:7-9-7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 8 For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. 9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

So many times I have found myself discouraged or distracted because stuff that is happening...even though it may be good or even incredible stuff when combined with other stuff can be a little overwhelming...but if we will just hold on...the blessing is coming over the horizon!!
Sometimes I need this reminder because of ministry, sometimes trying to work through our finances, sometimes trying hard to get healthier...but what ever it is...this scripture is still true!

So whatever you are carrying today...maybe it is stuff you have been carrying for a while...let me encourage you to turn it over to the one who won't struggle picking it up for you! If you are tired, discouraged, hurt, or overwhelmed...let me encourage you to focus or re-focus on Christ...don't lose heart...cause it's gonna be worth it all!

Lastly...let me share a note that a girl from our church wrote today and shared on her facebook.
by Elizabeth Rivera on Sunday, May 1, 2011 at 2:14pm

God has placed this on my heart and I hope and pray it blesses you.

Focus. I know when I think about that word, I always think of a camera. If the camera isn't focused, then the picture doesn't turn out too well. We have to focus on schoolwork, when we are driving we have to focus on ten million things so we don't get hurt. If you realize it or not, we have to focus.

Lately, God has been gently correcting me on where my focus is. Christ needs to be our #1 focus. Not the boy or girl who thinks we're cute, not the bills that need to be paid, or what the hottest trends are but Him. When we take our focus off our Christ, things get bumpy. While God wants us to be blessed and have nice things, that should not be our#1 focus. While God wants us to be happy and have a cute little love story, that shouldn't be our focus. When we put God first, those things fall into place so easily and beautifully you have no choice but to stand back and thank God.

"fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."-Hebrews 12:2
Focus and surrender to Him and you will be amazed! 

I am proud of Elizabeth and for her sharing what the Lord put on her heart!

Be blessed and encouraged friends! Don't lose heart!


 PS. What God is doing in our lives and in our church and in our youth ministry is stupidly-off the boat incredible! Wanted to share that because I am pretty sure...he is just getting started! The best is yet to come!