November 15, 2008
more updates...november 2008 so far...
-I am still working at the church part time but I started a new full time job and a new part time job! I got a new sick bike...that I use to ride to one of my jobs when I can which is a 5 mile round trip which is a great workout! Plus my jobs have me on my feet from 8-12 hours so that is a huge change of pace!
-God is moving us to the eastern shore in the next few months! I am stoked to see what he has in store! He is moving us crazily out of our comfort zone! It is amazing to feel so much anticipation and peace in actually walking in God's matter how crazy it might seem to some!
-My grandmother just went home to be with the LORD a few days ago! Keep my family in prayer...God is still God and he is faithful!
-we went to dare 2 share! STEVE FEE AND LEELAND were off the charts! The challenge to step up to the plate sharing our faith was off the charts!
-Joshua 1:9 (The Message)
Haven't I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don't be timid; don't get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take."
-just a note on the above scripture...God is with us! AND he has got us! We gotta trust him and WALK out our FAITH! Faith is more than words but we have to walk the talk for that to be true! PS. he is not a respecter of persons...he will do the same for you!
-be encouraged! God is mindful of you...and me! thank you Jesus!
-jimmy akers
pps...I am still trying to battle through my weightloss journey! Keep us in prayer as God helps us to stay on course! And if you have not heard it yet...check out my new song on
it is called 'daybreak is upon us'! It kind of explains where we are really well!
October 22, 2008
updates as of right now 11:23 am on october 22nd!
-# of pledges that I have received thus far: 23-
-of those 23 pledges 14 people have turned in their donation-
-so far each pound that I lose is worth: $36.50-
-so far the amount of money that has been raised (turned in): $596.55-
-I also have a friend (Sean Miller) that is going to use this donation per pound idea to raise money for his youth group...which I thought was pretty cool that someone is using our idea!-
So...this month has been tough. I have had a lot of things going on... honestly it has felt like a constant up hill battle! As of Monday, 2 days ago I had not lost any weight for the month of October (which is very discouraging), but I am not done! I watched the biggest loser last night and I was reminded of the fact that this is a 1 day at a time thing. They work out for 5-6 hours per day on the show, they cut there calories as low as possible (w/ doctor supervision) and one of the biggest dudes on the show only lost 2 pounds for the week! So...I am not done! I am not giving up and I have a bunch of people that are watching me go through this process. I am trying to grow in the discipline of counting calories and kicking my tail in the gym as much as I can! I lost 12.2 lbs in the month of September which brings my total loss for the year to 53.3 lbs! But I am not done!
I am not sure yet if my weigh in is going to be this Sunday or the following, but whenever it is, I will stand up and show what I have done...whether I have lost or not (I will keep you posted). Don't give up!
You hear me??? Don't give up on your dreams, on the things God has called you to do! A wise man told me in recent weeks, that people think walking in God's WILL is easy! It isn't! It was not easy for Jesus to say: Father, your will be done and than to follow through and go to the cross for US! It was not easy for the early church to undergo persecution, a lot of them facing death because they wanted to live out their FAITH! Life is not easy and following CHRIST is not easy and pursuing the things he has called us to do is not going to be EASY! the Rita Springer song so appropriately says...IT'S GONNA BE WORTH IT...IT'S GONNA BE WORTH IT...IT'S GONNA BE WORTH IT ALL!
Be encouraged! Keep Chasing the GOOSE! Please keep praying for me and amber as we continue on this journey! And whatever you do...don't give up! IT'S GONNA BE WORTH IT ALL!

2 Corinthians 4:8-9 (NIV)
8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. -jimmy akers to God be the GLORY!October 16, 2008
so...things have been crazy...
and I have not blogged or sent out an email in a while..sorry for that! Things have been crazy, God is still blowing my mind and I can not help but wake up with expectancy! For some reason I have this overwhelming sense of great anticipation and whether I have a good day or a bad day I still feel excited! My weight loss this month seems pretty much non-existent, but I still have hope and I am going to keep moving forward even if my numbers have not dropped yet! The election is coming up...political agenda's are all over the place, the economy is going crazy, and people are freaking out...but GOD is still GOD! Things do not always work out the way we expect/want...but the fact still remains...GOD is still GOD! I preached at youth group last night about..."Don't forget...TRUST!" And towards the end of my sermon God gave me this scripture!

Psalm 20:7-8 NKJV
-7 Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the LORD our God. 8 They have bowed down and fallen; But we have risen and stand upright. Now...most of us do not have chariots or horses, but back in the day chariots and horses were signs of wealth, power, jobs, stuff, etc...and back in the day people put their trust in their to stuff, And we do the same thing today! God wants us to put our trust in him. Our stuff will let us down, our money will let us down, people will let us down...but GOD is still GOD! I know the statement "God is still God" does not mean very much to most people, but if we really believe that...if we really live our lives knowing and serving a God that is the real deal...if it is evident to everyone that this whole faith thing is more than just words for us and more than just a feeling of comfort...I really believe it will give hope! When things fall apart God is still God and he deserves the glory, when people hurt us or let us down God is still God and we can trust in the fact that even though things do not always make sense, GOD will not let us down! I am trying with all of my heart to remember that God is still God! And as I struggle and fight everyday and I try so desperately to live and walk by faith...I am once again reminded of my need for this God! us to trust us to live for us to allow you to live through us! Love you all, be encouraged, chase the goose! -pjimmy akers

October 8, 2008
you ever have a lot of junk going on? well we all experience it from time to time...some junk is "good" junk and some junk is "bad" junk! So let me throw some "good" junk (a top 10 if you will) out there...God knows we got enough of the other kind!
1-God has blessed us with another day!
2-My weight loss adventure has been tough so far this month...but GOD IS IN CONTROL!
3-There is a lot of bad/confusing junk happening in our lives and in our world...but GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL!
4-The Belt is Looser fund raiser so far has rocked...I will update you on how much we have raised so far as well as how much a pound is worth very, very soon!
5-We saw an incredible movie that you should go see called "Fireproof"!
6-I am reading an awesome book..that I highly recommend called "Wild Goose Chase" by Pastor Mark Batterson. It is a sequel to "In a pit with a Lion on a snowy day"!
7-God gave me a new song yesterday called "Daybreak is upon us"! If you want to check out the rough recording that I did today go to my myspace and click on the title of the song - Daybreak is upon us!
8-Saturday Oct. 18 I am playing at the harford fall fest (a fund raiser festival - free to get in - to raise money for the homeless of harford county) at 11:30 am for 30 minutes and 1pm for 45 minutes! Adam Bright is also playing! Here is the link for info
9-I love my WIFE! you should love your spouse too (if you got one)!
...and last but not least...
10-ignite youth group tonight is going to be off the charts!
thank you for praying...thank you for encouraged...try not to get caught up in the bad junk!
-jimmy akers
September 29, 2008
the 1st months weigh in results!!!

September 26, 2008
what does a good work out look like? and some more junk!
I say a lot that I had a good work out, but a lot of people have asked what that means? I log what I eat most of the time and I always log when I excercize and I wanted to give you a glimpse into my idea of a REAL good work out! Here is what I did yesterday and today (in this order)!
Thursday 9/25/08 weight & cardio day
Elliptical Machine - 10 minutes - 148 calories
Weight Machines 3 sets 10 reps of each (vert. press 55lbs, tri-pull 40lbs, curls 45lbs)
Elliptical Machine - 11 minutes - 160 calories
Weight Machines 3 sets 10 reps of each (rear delt. 37.5, pect. fly 67.5)
Elliptical Machine - 12 minutes - 177 calories
Weight Machines 3 sets 10 reps of each (weight row 85lbs, lat. pull 65lbs)
Elliptical Machine - 13 minutes - 190 calories
Tredmill Machine - 14 minutes - 128 calories
Friday 9/26/08 cardio kick tail day!
Elliptical Machine - 70 minutes - 1,025 calories
Tredmill Machine - 20 minutes - 158 calories
So these are 2 different examples of what I consider (for me) to be a good stinkin' work out! If I could work these in everyday along with eating well I would be a lot further along, but it is 1 step at a time! It is not anywhere near what the biggest loser does with 6 hours a day, but God is helping me to see results...and it is working! We will get there! Keep me and Amber both in your prayers as we strive to stay in pursuit of God, strive to keep losing weight (making the belt a little looser!) and as we walk by faith...for HIS glory!
Be encouraged!
-jimmy akers
PS. To answer a few more questions that I have been asked...
Father Tom Sanders is the one that 1st suggested the concept to me of losing weight in front of the whole church to help raise funds for youth group and for accountability for me to lose weight in april! Friar Brad Dembo is the one that helped me with the Logo...all in all...I am stoked to see what God is going to do!
Goal poundage to try to lose for "the belt is looser" campaign = 60 lbs Which would put me at a total of 100 lbs lost for the year...heck yeah!
How do we make our donation?...come this sunday for the 1st official weigh in and you will get that info! If you can't attend our me and I will fill you in!
September 17, 2008
We are back...and so is THE BIGGEST LOSER!

Romans 12:1-2 (NIV)
1Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. 2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.vacation...
September 2, 2008
The Belt is Looser!

August 20, 2008
our life is short...we need to do something with it!

Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
So check out this photo....this is from the fall of 2007! I will not have to take any more pictures like this! Why would I post a picture where the buttons on my shirt are pulling? The you and I will be able to rejoice and worship God for his victory in my life as I step in to a part of my becoming who he created me to be! Be Blessed & encouraged!August 18, 2008

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