So...the journey begins. I shared the campaign info with the church Sunday morning! Got a good response...it was great to see all of the folks that will support me in this thing!
The Belt is Looser is my attempts to raise money for our youth group while I embark on my weight loss journey. So far I have 9 people that are going to sponsor my weight loss.
January 2008 I was 450.5 lbs...yesterday when I went to the gym I weighed 409.2 lbs. I did not have a lot of time but I got 45 minutes in on the elliptical machine. Felt pretty good...trying to get in the mode of counting calories...I was under 1400 cal. for breakfast and lunch. I felt pretty good but I wanted to share a win with you.
Last night while enjoying friends and food I somehow managed to eat a little more than I should of. I am not talking about just what I ate...but I ate to much. I really felt kind of weighed down and a little sick. So there was a new show premier on TV that I have been wanting to see...so I asked everyone if they would mind if I slipped down stairs to watch the show...everyone was cool with it, so I did. As I walked down...I noticed a treadmill folded up. So I had a choice...what should I do??? just lounge and watch the show...or do something that I should do??? here is the
win...I pulled out the treadmill and got my walk on. I walked 45 minutes while watching the show. I felt so much better....even this morning, even though I was tired I felt good because I made a great choice yesterday! So yesterday I got a good 1 hour & 30 minutes of cardio in...heck yeah!
So that is where I am..I am stoked for vacation ( we leave friday)...I am stoked to get to the gym today...and I am ready to watch God do what he does!
So...you...thank you...be encouraged...know that he is mindful of you...thanks for reading...keep me in prayer...and thank you to all that have or are going to sponsor me on "the belt is Looser" campaign...and thank you all for supporting me in prayer! Be blessed...take care!
-pjimmy akers
PS...keep checking back for more updates!
karena and i will sponsor you! in Jesus Name, aleluya!
karena and I will sponsor you in Jesus Name, aleluya.
karena and i will sponsor you in Jesus Name, aleluya.
Love the idea and the blog.
Hey I think your next campaign should be 'Your Belt is Looser' and it should encompass the whole church; meeting 1 night every week or everyother - give them a partner either husband or friend and make them accoutable to each other as well as the group to help raise health awareness and as a whole see how weight the whole church can loose! At the first meeting have them fill out a survey sharing how much they'd like to loose and then based on all of those make a 'goal' lost wieght for the church and keep track of it by chart for the church - you can do pledges as well - have sposored walks and excercise, sposered health professionals speak or show special excercises, etc. For the woman you should try the book, 'becoming the woman you want to be' it's SOOOOO awesome! it's diet, devotion, excercise & getting your life on track with God I've done it twice now (not the diet and excercise prat as you can tell) but the devotions themselves are spectacular they have really helped me get my life on track with God after my really bad bout with depression. Just a thought! I'm excited for you! LOVE YOU! -Kamay
Hey I think your next campaign should be 'Your Belt is Looser' and it should encompass the whole church; meeting 1 night every week or everyother - give them a partner either husband or friend and make them accoutable to each other as well as the group to help raise health awareness and as a whole see how weight the whole church can loose! At the first meeting have them fill out a survey sharing how much they'd like to loose and then based on all of those make a 'goal' lost wieght for the church and keep track of it by chart for the church - you can do pledges as well - have sposored walks and excercise, sposered health professionals speak or show special excercises, etc. For the woman you should try the book, 'becoming the woman you want to be' it's SOOOOO awesome! it's diet, devotion, excercise & getting your life on track with God I've done it twice now (not the diet and excercise prat as you can tell) but the devotions themselves are spectacular they have really helped me get my life on track with God after my really bad bout with depression. Just a thought! I'm excited for you! LOVE YOU! -Kamay
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