and I have not blogged or sent out an email in a while..sorry for that! Things have been crazy, God is still blowing my mind and I can not help but wake up with expectancy! For some reason I have this overwhelming sense of great anticipation and whether I have a good day or a bad day I still feel excited! My weight loss this month seems pretty much non-existent, but I still have hope and I am going to keep moving forward even if my numbers have not dropped yet! The election is coming up...political agenda's are all over the place, the economy is going crazy, and people are freaking out...but GOD is still GOD! Things do not always work out the way we expect/want...but the fact still remains...GOD is still GOD! I preached at youth group last night about..."Don't forget...TRUST!" And towards the end of my sermon God gave me this scripture!
Psalm 20:7-8 NKJV
-7 Some
trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the LORD our God.
8 They have bowed down and fallen; But we have risen and stand upright.
Now...most of us do not have chariots or horses, but back in the day chariots and horses were signs of wealth, power, jobs, stuff, etc...and back in the day people put their trust in their to stuff, And we do the same thing today! God wants us to put our trust in him. Our stuff will let us down, our money will let us down, people will let us down...but GOD is still GOD! I know the statement "God is still God" does not mean very much to most people, but if we really believe that...if we really live our lives knowing and serving a God that is the real deal...if it is evident to everyone that this whole faith thing is more than just words for us and more than just a feeling of comfort...I really believe it will give hope! When things fall apart God is still God and he deserves the glory, when people hurt us or let us down God is still God and we can trust in the fact that even though things do not always make sense, GOD will not let us down! I am trying with all of my heart to remember that God is still God! And as I struggle and fight everyday and I try so desperately to live and walk by faith...I am once again reminded of my need for this God! us to trust us to live for us to allow you to live through us!
Love you all, be encouraged, chase the goose!
-pjimmy akers

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