August 17, 2012

We are still better together.

Over the last few weeks between being temporarily without a daily work obligation and logging over 2400 miles in our chariot of awesome... I have had some extra time to reflect on life. One thing that has risen to the surface in all of the world changing thoughts that have crossed my mind...

Our relationships still matter the most.

Obviously following Jesus to start a new church presents lots of new obstacles/opportunities that we have never had to work through before. But the value of relationships won't change because we are not trying to build our kingdom... but Gods kingdom. With Gods help we will not just rent or build big buildings just to brag about what we have accomplished... we will instead rejoice in the lives that will be changed as a result of people coming into a life-changing relationship with Jesus. And as the daybreak church family grows we will remain focused on building up people over building programs.

We all have had those relationships that seemed to have caused more harm than good...  or the ones that for whatever reason have experienced a little bit of a disconnect... or the relationships that had to end intentionally... 

We need not neglect the value in the lessons that we have learned from our relationships. Whether the experiences were good, bad or ugly they help shape us and as a result we can come to a place where we can greatly appreciate the people we are blessed to do life with... even if it was just for a season.

So the response Jesus gave still stands true...

“Teacher, which  is  the great commandment in the law?” Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’  This is the first and great commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’  On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” -Matthew 22:36-40

Like peanut butter and chocolate... 

We are still better together.

-p.jimmy akers

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