February 14, 2012

Don't miss it...

Sometimes we mistake quantity for quality. Early in our marriage my bride helped me to understand that just because we worked together frequently... it did not replace the need for us to spend time with each other.

Today in our Joy Ministry the Lord had me share from Luke 10:38-42. Jesus gets invited to Martha's house. Her sister Mary spends time with Jesus but Martha was too busy serving to spend time with Him.

Tough part was that Martha was serving... not a bad thing. But because she was distracted she neglected that which was most important... spending time with Jesus.

We often stay busy doing work, school, life, etc. ... and we neglect that which is most important.

When Jesus was asked what was most important in Matthew 22:36-40 he gave a simple but profound answer. His response can be summed up in 4 words...

Love God. Love People.

Our relationships matter most...

Don't miss it...

Be be encouraged friends... God is most certainly mindful of you!

To all of our friends and family... we love and appreciate you so much!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

beautiful babe :) i love you!