November 27, 2010

'he sings all the time'

Thanksgiving day we did as we always do...we drove for hours and hours to spend time with our family! Aside from the driving so much part...the rest is always enjoyable and a blessing! Thursday evening as we were winding down at my moms someone had the bright idea to pull out baby books that chronicled the early years of me and my brothers growing up into the 'beefcakes' we currently are! (no kidding) My wife just happened to find this paper that had a line for every 6 months of my life which included a hand written note from my momma about something I did or attempted. Without the paper in front of me I can not remember how long the list went but almost every single line shared something that involved music!!! I re-read that paper a few times...I had no idea that it existed but reading it seriously jacked me up! I was recently sharing with a friend about my recent musical endeavors (including our new CD release nights of worship planned for Jan. 8 & 9, 2011) and I told him that no matter what I days are always filled with a backing soundtrack! I told him that no matter what I pursue or how hard I try to mind wonders to a song, a CD theme, a drawing project that may end up on a merch table, or being able to impact the masses through the medium of music and art! We were brought up in church, my mom sang all the time and my dad played the piano in church and with many groups! I remember long weekends in jacked up station wagons and vans that included late night Wendy's and spiritual conversations that could lead to world impact! Some of my favorite times were those spent on tour buses with my dads gospel groups. Even though we mainly only toured the east felt like my world was expanding! I was the best stinking 9 year old roadie you have ever met! I actually enjoyed hauling heavy junk at all hours of the night! I loved helping lead worship when my grandfather would be preaching! Little did I know then that God was calling me to both lead and write worship music and to preach the word of God! Recent highlights along with sharing the word of God at 24-7 our youth group, dcog our church and other preaching oppurtunities...some of the most fulfilling moments have been spent leading worship with my wife at various places! not completely sure why I am writing this blog...maybe just to unload thoughts that have been filling my mind! Colossians 3:17 tells us whatever we do in word or in deed, do it all in the name of our Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. I am thankful for all God has given to me...currently trying to work on doing it all for the glory of God! 27 years ago I started singing...I still am! I wonder where I go from here? 1 thing God confirmed this week...while listening to Francis Chan via the catalyst podcast...he shared about calling. He said we focus so much attention trying to figure out what God is calling us to and neglect what he has already shared with us through his word! He said we focus so much on tyring to fulfill our calling and forget about being obedient to what God has already said to do! These words satisfied and challenged my heart like only God could do... I know...I have been love with God with all of my heart, soul, mind and strength! To love my neighbor as myself! To love, cherish and bless my wife! To lead worship and write music and to preach the word of God! I am called too... Other stuff...but in all, my hope and drive is for God to receive the glory for all of the above! One of the lines that was repeated many times on the paper my wife found was 'he sings all the time'. Let's see how God wants to use that... oh yeah...even though this post was very much me just sharing my thoughts I want to encourage you! God has great things in store...the best is yet to come! Don't give up on the things you feel God has called you to! May we start to live out the dreams and desires that bring glory to the Lord..and not just temporarily satisfy our selfish desires! Break our hearts for what breaks yours God...everything I am for your kingdoms cause -Hosanna - Brooke Fraser

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