August 24, 2010


WOW! School starts for our kids, teens and college farmer friend who knows a lot more about everything than I ever will..told me northern clouds were in the sky yesterday which is a sign of a soon coming fall (all my friends tired of sweating say...yeah!!)! The battle between good and evil continues and for some reason in the middle of the tension found in moving to Delaware in 2 days..the checking account being totally tapped out and having so much going on it is hard to know where to start..I can't help but feel this sense that God is saying yet again... ...jimmy...take a deep breath...slow is going to be ok...I got this! Yesterday as I made another trip to Salisbury to run some errands I had to pick up a shower curtain rod. As usual the store is as busy as it was the weekend of Y2K and I stood in line behind this lady with way more kids than she had arms and food that barely fit in the cart with her baby's carriage thingy! I had to buy the shower curtain rod that I could afford and as I stood there I wondered if the $2 more I didn't buy the next size up would mean another trip to walmart this week! Frantic mom lady in front of me looked at me and said...'if that is all you got..go ahead of me! If you are in a hurry just go ahead!' Now..not sure if I somehow telepathically told her how I felt but my response shocked even me! I said.."no..I am fine! I have been in a rush most of my life..taking a breather won't hurt!' She smiled and thanked me for being patient but something incredible happened...I felt the presence and peace of God fall on me like a waterfall! So I said all of that to matter how hard or overwhelming your day, week, month, situation or circumstance is...DON'T QUIT! God is not through with you! If you have a heart beat you got something to be thankful for! I remind myself of this even as I type this out! I find my self in the struggle often..but my Jesus is never struggling! He is all powerful..fully alive and bigger than any junk you and I are battling through today! Be encouraged friends! God has not left the building! Some words my friend Jeremy Ferruccio has recently spoken that I believe that we need to consider...let us all start..livin' the dream! -jimmy akers PS. A chorus and word to hold on to.. I just can't give up now I've come too far from where I started from Nobody told me..the road would be easy and I don't believe he brought me this leave me! via wikipedia - Selah (Hebrew: סֶלָה‎, also transliterated as selāh) is a word used frequently in the Hebrew Bible, often in the Psalms, and is a difficult concept to translate. (It should not be confused with the Hebrew word sela‘ (Hebrew: סֶלַע‎) which means "rock.") It is probably either a liturgico-musical mark or an instruction on the reading of the text, something like "stop and listen". "Let those with eyes see and with ears hear" is most concise. "Selah" can also be used to indicate that there is to be a musical interlude at that point in the Psalm. The Amplified Bible states Selah as "pause, and think of that". The Psalms were sung accompanied by musical instruments and there are references to this in many chapters. Thirty-one of the thirty-nine psalms with the caption "To the choir-master" include the word "Selah". Selah notes a break in the song and as such is similar in purpose to Amen in that it stresses the importance of the preceding passage. Alternatively, Selah may mean "forever", as it does in some places in the liturgy (notably the second to last blessing of the Amidah). Another interpretation claims that Selah comes from the primary Hebrew root word [calah] which means "to hang", and by implication to measure (weigh). -Selah

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