January 5, 2010

a challenge...

that I have been pondering the last few days! James 4:17 (NKJV) 17 Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin. With New Years Resolutions in mind I have been thinking a lot about goals for 2010 and past goals that were never achieved! Dave Ramsey shares a quote all the time on his radio/TV show that hits me heavy every time I hear it! "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting a different result!" Then I read the above scripture in James and I look at past failures and have come to the conclusion that almost if not all of my past regrets come from me not doing something or not doing what I said I was going to do! I always used to say that I was afraid of failure and that was my excuse for not trying...but really I was just being lazy! I have little regrets about the things I actually worked at and failed! So... What has God been challenging you to do? Maybe your response or lack of response to what you feel called to do has not been a sin...but I know God is ready for me and you to step up! He tells us that He has called us to do great things...that he knew us before we were formed in our mothers womb...that the hairs on our head are numbered...and yet we settle all the time with just getting by! I am tired of it! Are you? What is he calling you to do? What has he called you to do that you have been not doing...even to the point where your lack of responding to his call has become disobedience and has become sin? I know we don't like to talk about words like obedience, or discipline (I know I don't)...but I wonder why that is? Is it because we like to settle? We like to stay comfortable? We feel satisfied with our lack of achievement? I know this blog has become more of a rant...but this is what God is trying to deal with me about right now! I am sure that I am not alone! And know that if any of this is challenging you...you too are not alone! Be encouraged...God is mindful of you! Not only does he want the best for you...I believe he has more for you and I then we realize! I wrote down some goals for 2010 that I am praying will become more than just words! The categories include my relationship with: God, my wife Amber, family and friends! Also physical, financial, education, ministry, music, travel and purchases. I know that the last 3 sounds selfish and trivial but they are things that I have been thinking about so I figured there is no harm in writing them down! To know what is right...to know what we are being called to...and to choose to do those things...to choose to take the 1st step...I believe...those choices to move forward in the things of God will not only make him smile...but more importantly will draw us closer to him! Thanks for reading...it has been a while and I have a lot going on in my dome! In the same words that Joe Sangl writes in his book 'I was broke. Now I'm not.'... let's hear the Lord say to you and me everyday... Pssssttt...I believe in you!

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