October 27, 2009
1st month weigh in 10/25/09!!! and some other stuff!
It has been a tough 10 months...not exercising much...not watching what I was eating...basically almost in survival mode, just trying to make it with having to pay for 2 homes and working up to 80 hours a week...but God has brought us through that...and now we are stepping into a new season! My brother has moved into the house that we used to own and he has lifted that burden...we got a sweet new 'matured' Subaru Forrester that we are loving thanks to some amazing friends...we are 2 months into serving on staff as the youth pastors @ Dagsboro COG seeing God move in incredible ways, loving our teens and gaining new brothers and sisters in our church family...our marriage is stronger then it has ever been...we are seeing some light as we are starting to turn around and climb out of the pit we call financial bondage...we are starting back on our belts getting looser...and most importantly...we are seeing God be God in our lives...we are growing in him...seeing his love transform us...and we are starting to walk with a great sense of destiny in our lives because of the faith he is growing in us! I said all of that to say...that God is blowing my mind with how amazing he is!
I wanted to share my 1st weigh in with you so...here it is! Starting weight in September 2009 was 414.8 lbs...my weigh in this weekend was......
so I lost 14.2 pounds in my 1st month!!! I am pretty stoked about that. For 1...that is the most I have ever lost in 1 month...2nd...I am almost in the 300's...3rdly...I hope to be where I was at my lowest weight next weigh in...and last but not least...God gets the Glory!
You see...it is easy to give up! It is easy to not get up and go to the gym...it is easy to settle on whatever you want to eat instead of what you need to eat...it is easy to live a 'status quot' kind of life! It is hard to push yourself when you don't feel like it! It is hard to say no to what you want sometimes...it is hard to go an extra 5 minutes when you want to just go sit down...it is hard to choose to be different and it is hard when you make the decision to stop living in bondage...whether it be the bondage of some kind of addiction, or food, or financial debt...or whatever...but you know what...it is going to be worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went to go hear Joe Sangl speak about financial freedom and we were talking about the biggest Loser show and he said he loved it and of course I 2nd that...but Joe made a statement! He said 'I am obsessed with life change! Anything that brings life change fires me up...I can't get enough of it!' Well Joe...I am in the middle of seeing my life change...and because of God and because of a amazing wife that believes in me and that chooses to walk this journey with me...we are seeing our lives change in a bunch of ways!
As we step out of bondage and into victory...may you Jesus get all of the credit! As we stop surrendering to our flesh and start surrendering to the will of God...may life change be so evident in us that it becomes contagious! And you my friends that are reading this blog...may you be challenged and inspired by the greatness of our God! Know that he loves you...know that he has a plan for you too....he is not partial to anyone...know that you are not alone...and even if the whole weight issue or financial debt issue is not your issue...there is a man named Jesus Christ that is ready to walk with you through whatever it is that is holding you back!
Be encouraged...chase the Lion...chase the goose...bear the cross to a world in love with kingdoms...there is hope...there is another way to live! Let us choose to Love God, Love people and follow Jesus 24-7! Let us start living on purpose...with a purpose!
-jimmy akers
PS. I know my grammar, punctuation and spelling sometimes can be re-dunkulous or her-ocious!!! Just pray through...lol!
2nd...check this out!

October 13, 2009
3rd week of the belt is looser!
So...last week I worked out 3 times but I did not stick to my diet nearly as well! I did not feel to bad about it until I went to the gym last night and weighed myself! I know it is not all about the scale...however I do know what it is going to take to see results...and unless I commit to the process for the long hall...real change is not going to occur!
I was reminded about something I heard Dave Ramsey say a few years ago. He talked about something called 'The Momentum Theorem'!
-- (G) = M
(the above equations would not cooperate when I tried to type in the center...sorry. I know it looks dumb to the side! lol!)
Focused Intensity over Time multiplied by God equals Unstoppable Momentum! So in order to gain that Momentum and to see Change...in our relationships, in our health, our finances, our spiritual growth, and our ministries we need to Focus! It is going to take Time! God has to be in the equation...and with all of those pieces working together...we will see Momentum which will lead to Change!
I desire to see change...I desire growth...and I hunger for God to get all the glory...and he will! I am not giving up...I am not allowing discouragement to over take me! At the gym I watch people run on the treadmill or around the track! At our apartments I watch people run around the complex! I can not run...yet...however I will! Thanks for praying for us! Keep on praying!
Youth group this week is going to be off the charts! God has been so good to us! Time to put the finishing touches on my message for Wednesday so...Be encouraged! God is so mindful of you! If you feel like you are running out of steam...stop running...and try to just focus on God! Give it some time...and your crawl or walk will start to pick up the pace...and before you know it...you will be running on purpose with a purpose! Momentum...here I come!
-jimmy akers
1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (NKJV)
24 Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. 25 And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown. 26 Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. 27 But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.
1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (The Message)
24-25You've all been to the stadium and seen the athletes race. Everyone runs; one wins. Run to win. All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You're after one that's gold eternally. 26-27I don't know about you, but I'm running hard for the finish line. I'm giving it everything I've got. No sloppy living for me! I'm staying alert and in top condition. I'm not going to get caught napping, telling everyone else all about it and then missing out myself.
October 5, 2009
2nd week of The Belt is Looser Begins!
Pledge cards are starting to come in! I am starting to get excited and nervous about the next 4 months!
1st I am excited to see what God does! This weight loss campaign is a way to raise money for the youth and children's funds at our church...but more importantly it is a way to glorify God with this Body he has given to me! I am looking forward to being able to do more as a result of this process!
2nd I am nervous because this is tough! Discipline is not easy! Watching what you eat and exercising is not always fun! I do enjoy the journey but day to day can be tough! God is able...I know I can do it...but these steps into victory are not going to be easy!
Just an update...last week I was fighting a cold. I still am a little but it made it tough to work out. I did a Biggest Loser workout DVD 1 day and Saturday I worked with 6 teens alongside of our church food pantry ministry...handing out food with the D.E. food bank to a few hundred people! An awesome day to see the community impacted in a positive way with no strings attached but I also got a pretty good workout. I took at least 40 sacks of potatoes (50lb bags) to peoples cars! I was sweating pretty good! I felt good but it was no joke!
I have been tracking calories...watching the Biggest Loser and praying for fruit as I begin to dive deep into exercise! Pray 4 me...I plan to hit the exercise giant HARD!
God is good! Be blessed!
-p.jimmy akers
PS. we do not fight our battles alone and we do not need to give in to fear!
-Joshua 1:9 (NIV) 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
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