Soooooo… 1st off I am sorry that it has been so stinking long since I posted on this blog. I hate it when I go to websites and they are never updated and I admit that I have become an official website updating slacker! I will try to do better for real!
Now the totals for 2008 and the belt is looser….

Above is the picture of me before We started our weight loss journey and I had reached my highest weight ever which was a whopping
450.5! (never again by the way) Below is the picture of me getting my bike on while watching the biggest loser and it was my starting weight for the belt is looser which was
Instead of repeating myself again I will just let you know where we are today!

Also I wanted to share how much money has been raised as of this blog...

Before I go on. If you still want to donate you can mail your donation to:
New Covenant Church of God
2530 Conowingo Road
Bel Air MD, 21015
Make checks payable to
New Covenant Church of God. Please make sure you put in the memo "
youth group belt is looser donation" so that it goes into the youth fund!
SO I was 450.5 and I am now floating around an incredible God is amazing 387.4 lbs! I have come so far but I am not done. My goal for 2009 is to lose another 75 lbs! God is able! I am going to try!
Thank u's go out to....
Jesus Christ, my incredible and amazingly beautiful wife Amber, and everyone that has prayed, emailed/called/texted or given me any words of encouragement, also to all that have donated already to ignite youth group and all who may still donate! Your donation has and will be used to impact the lives of teenagers for the cause of Christ!
Now...2008 is over and God is up to a lot! I will be posting a new blog in the next 2 weeks about all that God is up to in me and Amber's life including (a moving update, some testimonies...and more)! This blog will continue to be a place where you can keep up with our lives and all God is doing even though the belt is looser is over! Have a great day! Be encouraged...the King of Kings is mindful of you! God is able! Chase the GOOSE! Be blessed!
-jimmy akers
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