January 23, 2009
Another b-e-a-u-tiful day to live life! UPDATES!
So...Lot's of NEW things happening! I will try to be brief but we all know that rarely happens.
1st off...God is so GOOD! We get so caught up in our junk that we forget to acknowledge that the God that created everything loves us and if we still have breath in our body and a heartbeat in our chest...then that means we ARE BLESSED! Thank you Jesus for another day! Hallelujah!
---Psalm 34:8 -8 Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!
2nd...Amber has been working in Salisbury for about 3 weeks. Her job at the salon and apprenticeship are going great! God has blessed her with this amazing opportunity and it is something that she has always wanted to do so we thank God for it!
3rd...some things to praise God for!
-We needed $2,576.00 for our security deposit and 1st months rent. We got a move in deal where if we paid $199 of that deposit by the end of December we would get $150 off every month of our rent for our 18 month lease but we did not have the money to send. Seriously...some folks that are very close to our hearts straight up showed up at our house and Handed us $300! God provided that $199. I preached and lead worship with my band at a church and we never charge. But they sent me a check for preaching at the church for $500! So I dropped $576 more off towards our deposit! I needed my job transfer and a 2nd job in Salisbury to open. I am happy to say I have 2 jobs waiting for me in Salisbury. We wanted a 1st floor apartment but they only had the 3rd floor apartments available. When I went to interview for job, drop off the $576 and see my lovely wife it just so happened that, that day someone on the 1st floor turned in notice that they we were leaving in 30 days...so we are getting the 1st floor! There is so much but one other thing...I have needed a 2nd job here in harford county until I moved...the Arena club is letting me come back and giving me a 3rd night to work but I did not have a car to get there. Thanks to some other dear friends I will have wheels next week. Not to mention the fact that God has provided transportation from friends and family everyday that I have Needed it! SO...Praise GOD for all he has done so far!
so much for being short...
4th...things to pray for...
-we still need at least $2000 for our security deposit and some extra $$$ to help with the move
-we still need to sell our mobile home! We are only asking what we owe so...God is able!
-and last but not least...that we would continue to trust God! Stepping out in faith is incredible but it is not easy! God's will is not always easy but it is going to be worth it! We are trying to be obedient and to trust him totally! Look at what he has already done...and there is so much more...it is just so hard to keep up with all God is doing! Praise be to him!
5th...lastly...this Sunday January 25th is our last Sunday at New Covenant. I am preaching and I pray that God would use me once again. I have been blessed to be at the church for 13 years. I proposed to my wife in the church parking lot! I preached my 1st sermon there! We got married there! We have been blessed to be the youth pastors for almost 4 years! God has done a lot in 13 years! This Sunday will be our last Sunday at the church! We would love to see you! This is the closing of one season of our life but the beginning of a new one! Our relationships with people will endure the distance and the changes! God is a big God and we have been blessed by so many people! We love and appreciate all that have befriended us, supported us and prayed for us! Hopefully we will see you Sunday!
so...I am done for now! Thank you for reading and praying! We love you all! be encouraged! We serve a Big and awesome GOD! He is able! Chase the goose! Chase the Lion! Pursue Christ like never before! Jesus is still there! LIVE LIFE!
-jimmy akers
PS. more to come!
January 12, 2009
2008 weight loss and MORE!
Above is the picture of me before We started our weight loss journey and I had reached my highest weight ever which was a whopping 450.5! (never again by the way) Below is the picture of me getting my bike on while watching the biggest loser and it was my starting weight for the belt is looser which was 409.4!
Also I wanted to share how much money has been raised as of this blog...
Before I go on. If you still want to donate you can mail your donation to:
New Covenant Church of God
2530 Conowingo Road
Bel Air MD, 21015
Make checks payable to New Covenant Church of God. Please make sure you put in the memo "youth group belt is looser donation" so that it goes into the youth fund!
SO I was 450.5 and I am now floating around an incredible God is amazing 387.4 lbs! I have come so far but I am not done. My goal for 2009 is to lose another 75 lbs! God is able! I am going to try!
Thank u's go out to....
Jesus Christ, my incredible and amazingly beautiful wife Amber, and everyone that has prayed, emailed/called/texted or given me any words of encouragement, also to all that have donated already to ignite youth group and all who may still donate! Your donation has and will be used to impact the lives of teenagers for the cause of Christ!
Now...2008 is over and God is up to a lot! I will be posting a new blog in the next 2 weeks about all that God is up to in me and Amber's life including (a moving update, some testimonies...and more)! This blog will continue to be a place where you can keep up with our lives and all God is doing even though the belt is looser is over! Have a great day! Be encouraged...the King of Kings is mindful of you! God is able! Chase the GOOSE! Be blessed!
-jimmy akers
1st off I am sorry that it has been so stinking long since I posted on this blog. I hate it when I go to websites and they are never updated and I admit that I have become an official website updating slacker! I will try to do better for real!
Now the totals for 2008 and the belt is looser….

Instead of repeating myself again I will just let you know where we are today!

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