it has been a little while since I blogged so...here goes!
God has been doing so much! I titled this blog 'Go that way...or maybe not!' because of what God has been showing me!
I have been raised in the pentecostal church..and truth be told my upbringing is both foundational in my faith walk and it has hindered it! How?? Well..I have been told almost all of my life which way to go, what to do and not do, what to say and not say, what is okay to wear and how to live right! Unfortunately, for most of my life all of these different directions caused great confusion and I found a comfortable place to hang out..1 we know as complacency!
I quickly figured out that as people would speak things into my life I had a choice of whether I would listen or not. 1 thing I really struggled with was that sometimes the things spoken contradicted them self!
As a 16 year old teenager (several years ago) I started to seek God for myself and read the Bible for myself and God started to speak to me! I love and respect all of the people that have been a part of my life and have believed in me and spoken into me..but I want too and need too hear God more!
I said all of that to say..God is doing so much. And regardless of hearing things like 'I think you are making a big mistake' or 'I don't think you should go that way'..I really feel like God wanted me to encourage and challenge you to seek him for direction for your life first!
Everybody has an opinion and everyone has to make a decision on who they are going to follow! And I challenge you to follow Christ first! I listen to tons of different musicians, pastors and authors that have a lot of great things to say! But I have to hear God for myself first!
Revelation 2:1-7 speaks to a church (people) that have left their first love (Christ)!
-if that is you in verse 5 God says repent and start over! Repent, get into the word, pray and seek him and you will find him!
Galatians 6:9 speaks to the weary!
-if that is you..hold on! Why..because it's gonna be worth it!
Luke 6:26 speaks to both the prideful and those wounded from people!
-if that is you..remember that God has your back! Follow him..if your off track..humble yourself and..just turn around!
Psalm 34:8 speaks a challenge for us to taste and see how good God is!
-if you are searching..put your trust in him!
And last but not least...
I have tried to seek God for direction for my life! In the ministerial internship program me and my wife Amber went through a few years ago 1 of the assignments we were given was to write statements that explained who we were and who God was calling us to be. And this scripture continues to jack me up and keep me focused on what matters most! As you read it..I want you to know that you are not alone! Know that God is more mindful of you then you realize! Know that you are loved, valued and God a destiny for your life! The best is yet to come! I don't want you to go to hell..I don't want you to go the way that just feels good! But more then what I don't want..God wants you to do more than just exist! And as simple as this scripture sounds..coming to a place where you can really live this scripture out..I believe..will change everything! Hope is rising! You are not alone!
Matthew 22:36-40
36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"
37Jesus replied: "
'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
-jimmy akers
PS. I am just starting to really embrace how much God loves me! God has called me and my wife to do some stuff! We are walking with more purpose then ever before! God is blessing us so much! And he wants the same for you! God is not partial! And..he never contradicts himself or his word!