November 15, 2008
more updates...november 2008 so far...
-I am still working at the church part time but I started a new full time job and a new part time job! I got a new sick bike...that I use to ride to one of my jobs when I can which is a 5 mile round trip which is a great workout! Plus my jobs have me on my feet from 8-12 hours so that is a huge change of pace!
-God is moving us to the eastern shore in the next few months! I am stoked to see what he has in store! He is moving us crazily out of our comfort zone! It is amazing to feel so much anticipation and peace in actually walking in God's matter how crazy it might seem to some!
-My grandmother just went home to be with the LORD a few days ago! Keep my family in prayer...God is still God and he is faithful!
-we went to dare 2 share! STEVE FEE AND LEELAND were off the charts! The challenge to step up to the plate sharing our faith was off the charts!
-Joshua 1:9 (The Message)
Haven't I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don't be timid; don't get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take."
-just a note on the above scripture...God is with us! AND he has got us! We gotta trust him and WALK out our FAITH! Faith is more than words but we have to walk the talk for that to be true! PS. he is not a respecter of persons...he will do the same for you!
-be encouraged! God is mindful of you...and me! thank you Jesus!
-jimmy akers
pps...I am still trying to battle through my weightloss journey! Keep us in prayer as God helps us to stay on course! And if you have not heard it yet...check out my new song on
it is called 'daybreak is upon us'! It kind of explains where we are really well!
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