November 29, 2015

A new blog and a new chapter...

I started blogging on August 18th, 2008. My initial intention was to share my weight loss journey, but I ended up sharing so much more. To read my first blog post entry click HERE.

This writing journey has been an interesting one. I actually just released my first BOOK! I thought of possibly deleting this blog but it has so many huge moments cataloged. I enjoy looking back and reading about all that God has done!

So it is time for a new chapter.

Be encouraged!

-jimmy akers

If you would to stay up to date on me or check out my latest blogs, visit

July 9, 2015


Have you ever been really excited and really exhausted at the same time? Like there are so many incredible things going on and so many things to be thankful for, but you really just need a minute to catch your breath? Yeah I know! Me too.

A few years ago I attended a conference called The White Board Sessions and I took a ridiculous amount of notes, but this quote stuck out the most.

The Bible calls people that will not work lazy but it also calls those that will not rest disobedient. -Perry Noble

Today we press pause. If we don't call or message you back right away know that we still love you, but we are taking some time to recharge. We have been running hard in the paint with life and Daybreak Church​ since our launch on September 22, 2013! 23 months straight, go hard or go home, no pain, no gain, no rest, crazy, awesome, yeah! God has done some amazing things and we are so excited for what He has in store but we also know that God can continue to love people well without our help. So because we are not all powerful and because God says that rest really matters, this afternoon we press pause.

Be encouraged friends! And if you are anything like me this is really hard to do sometimes. But if you don't make time to rest you won't be able to go the long haul. God is just getting started and I don't want to miss out on the journey. Find some time to press pause and just exhale.

-jimmy akers

Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from Him. Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken. Psalm 62:1-2

And He said, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Exodus 33:14